Thursday, July 18, 2024

Toast with cheese and hot chocolate -- a Poem for Friday Writings #136

 Magaly has invited us to write poetry or prose inspired by Grace Lee Boggs’s (read URL link below) quote, “We can begin by doing small things…”  Lots of possibilities here? 

Pictures copyright Jimmiehov 2024

   Twelve little pieces 

Twelve little pieces 
that there should be but, 
Eleven this time 

They have a purpose? 
slathered with creme cheese 
Yummy by itself 

But there's more to come 
Jar, strawberry jam 
Hot chocolate to drink 

Fork does the dabbing 
dabbing and dipping 
smearing white with red 

Yummier now still 
Small things together 
Dainty breakfast comes

Yes, “We can begin 
by doing small things…” 
. .

Pictures copyright Jimmiehov 2024

- Photos and poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2024, All Rights Reserved 
 - I am Linked with Magaly at Friday Writings #136, 

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Friday, July 12, 2024

Nasty COVID -- a Poem for Friday Writings

Ducks don't get COVID -- or do they??
(Muscovy duck likes our yard)

Blogging friend many years 
back before husband died 
Now she has the COVID 
I hope it leaves sound 
COVID is bad.  Troubles 
could leave her with some ails 

I'll tell you of mine, mean 
I've lost my sense of smell, 
sense of taste, and runnies 
There's wet stuff from my mouth 
and from my nose and lungs 
A perpetual cough plagues me 

Then too I forget names 
names of folks and places 
Stuck with poor memory 
forgetful many things 
where we've been, what we did 
how we do it, with who 

So "R Mary," hoping 
Hoping better than mine 
_ _ _ 

 - Photo and Poem Copyright 2024 all Rights Reserved 
 - I am linked with Magaly and Rosemary for my Friday Writings #135 poem, here 

Saturday, July 06, 2024

Help came -- my poem for Friday Writings

 Rommy, in honor of a  very helpful family member in honor of his Herculean efforts, is  using "It's a dirty job but someone has to do it" as this week's optional prompt.  I am trying to answer her challenge.  So follows:  

The Sore

I have a bad sore 
'ts'on on my upper leg 
Doc said irrigate 
smother with this salve 

So I went to work 
tried to dab it on 
Hit and miss up, down 
here there, miss my nose 

Meanwhile sore has grown 
hoeing tender place 
Dabs here and dabs there 
those dabs ever hurt 

Neice feeling for me, 
"uncle might I help?" 
" I see where to dab" 
much better I felt 

 Smiling Neice popped up 
 no bit embarrased, 
 "It's a dirty job but 
someone has to do it" 

_ _ _ 

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2024, All Rights Reserved 
 - I am linked with Rommy at the Friday Writings #134 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Flies - a Poem for Friday Writing

 . “Do what we can, summer will have its flies” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Do those words you to tell your story?  Magaly thinks and hope's they will today. Let's write and we'll see.

Flies in My Pie 

Pick up your spoon 
and play your tune 
Flies in your pie 
don't take a bite 

'Cause if you do 
they're bad for you 
Insects' nasty 
born from nasty 

Like horses dead 
Eggs in their head 
_ _ _ 

 - Poem Copyright Jimmiehov 2024 - all Rights Reserved
 - I am linked with Magaly at Friday Writings #133 at 
for her Ralph Waldo Emerson prompt line, as posted from above at the beginning of this blog 

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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Eating again -- a poem for Friday Writings #132

Click on photo at link below for larger view -- Jim's photo, copyright 2010, all rights reserved
    I came 

I came I saw, and I ate 
Three steps to a clean plate 
Trouble is, it's never that simple 
Always a bugger lurking 

Not that hungry for food like that 
I'm on a diet and this doesn't fit 
I suppress a vomit with every bite 
I just plain don't like that food 
Always a plausible reason for yea or nay 

As a tempting the food may look 
It doesn't taste that good 
Then for some it's "an elegant sufficiency" * 
Especially the fancy good tasting stuff 
Always we both, each kind, gobble calories  
    _ _ _ 

*Note: - I am linked with Rosemary at Friday Writings #132 for her prompting phrase, "an elegant sufficiency"

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Ode to Mosquito -- a Poem for Friday Writings #131 and for my modification for dVerse

Free for use under the Pixabay Content License

   Oh Poor Mosquito

*Oh poor mosquito bane of man 
We adore some of your courage
Take chances of death or crippling 
Synthetic chemicals inhaled 

*You were swatted in innocence 
*you minding your regular ways 
Habits you learned at baby nest 
Fast learner, learned from seeds left there 

*Mother Nature in your being 
 *will to stay alive.  Embedded 
In those seeds keys to survival 
*Earnestly bite and propagate 
     _ _ _ 

 - Poem Copyright Jimmiehov 2024,  All Rights Reserved 
 - I am linked with Rosemary at Friday Writings #131 at 
  and I have renewed this poem from the graveyard of unused drafts not yet discarded (read below)
 - I was first linked with Laura at dVerse prompt at 
where we are to improve a fragment with problems or is unfinished. 
  I chose one which I had not finished.  Meant to be a short ode I tried to keep the theme.  Lines Italicized and starting with an asterisk are original. If something is underlined, I have added to the old line. 
 - Click here to read others' writings for Laura's desire. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

Figment gone wild -- for dVerse Quadrille #203

   Can't Win All

Tell you little figment bout

my imagination wild 

Was a little boy again 

getting the cows to come in 

Birdie, workhorse disliked me

concerned for the cows' freedom 

Walked over and kicked me good 

in the back I was bedridden 

I limp still today

   _ _ _ 

 - I am linked with Lillian hosting at dVerse Quadrille #203, (must be exactly 44 word poem) and this one contain the word "figment" 
 - Click here to read the others posting for this week's Quadrilles

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Friday, June 07, 2024

Photo from a book store - and a Poem for Friday Writings

You can count the keys on this LARGE PRINT typewriter pictured.
Please also note that it is a manual and not electric.

"Typewriter" posts,

  Words we speak 

"If I had my choice, I probably would've 

gotten married in my twenties, 

had three kids, and never left my hometown.  

Sometimes life doesn't work out the way 

we wish it would." 

Words were spoken like I've heard before

'I won't ever marry a man, and when I have 

children I'll teach them to not marry either.'  

Thus sayeth a senior girl in my typing class 

(I and one other were the only boys enrolled) 

which shocked a farm boy like me. 

Later I read in the paper when the girl above 

had married that summer a fellow who drove 

a batch truck for the paving gang making the 

new highway to a neighboring town.  

Later still, I read of the birth that fall of a baby 

boy to the couple.  

The author of the book from which I quoted, 

then married, did have a child, at the age 

of forty-two.  

Things don't often, seldom, work out like 

our plans.  

I didn't plan things, never did.  Instead when 

there is an open door of opportunity I evaluate 

choices and most often have taken the good ones. 


I ended up not rich but have retired well enough 

off to have retired many years now. All my 

degrees aren't helping me now but they did produce 

quite well. 

Moral of the story from my book, the author 

was telling, "God has a plan for us" and it may 

differ greatly from our own. 

_ _ _


1. The book I'm reading is “Mostly What God Does”

written by Savannah Guthrie. The words I have used here

are to be found in Chapter 4, titled “Like a Mother”.

2. My “Prose Poem” has 290 words not counting the title 

but counting the author's quotation from the book. 

_ _ _ 

- Writing Copyright, Jimmiehov 2024, All rights reserved 

-  I am linked with Magaly at Friday Writings #130 at 


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Monday, May 27, 2024

Sad - a Poem for Friday Writings and dVerse Quadrille

                     "Adi is retiring from Pet Partners"
Adi and I were best buddies
[posted 2016, link]

  Deepest Sleep

Awoke this morning

Feeling very sad

My dog died last night

Vet came to pronounce

There is no help for her

She must be put to sleep

My face on her neck

Slowly she went to sleep

Oh that I could join her darkness 

  _ _ _ 

 - Poem Copyright 2024, Photo Copyright 2016, Jimmiehov 2024 and 2016, All Rights Reserved 


 - I am linked with Rosemary at dVerse Friday Writings#128  at 

 - I am also linked with Punam at dVerse Quadrille #202, (must be exactly 44 word poem) 
 - Click here to read the others posting for this week's Quadrilles

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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

For the Birds? -- a Poem for Friday Writing and for dVerse Poetics

Notice Mrs. Jim's painter shoe covers.  The ground
here is like a duck's kennel floor, covered.


Parenting is shared 

 Realization comes 

I lived on a balloon 
Sailing and flitting 
Didn't matter to where 

I sailed through the marshes 
Range Rover's delight 
Penguins visit well worth 

On sailing to China 
I walked the Great Wall 
Didn't stop great masses 

.Day Three found us at the Kremlin for 
a nice tour. This is the Kremlin Wall.

Or the Kremlin's Great wall 
Glide past with great care 
Their prisons work you hard 

And so life goes right on 
We are but peons 
I could go on some more 

Realization hit 
me like a ton of bricks *

You care not one Iota 
 _ _ _ 
 * These two lines are taken from Dwight Roth's poem, "Resolve" 
 - Photos and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2024 or earlier, All Rights Reserved 
 - I am linked with Rommy for Friday Writing # 128 who is hosting at 
 - Rommy had asked, optional with her writers, us to write about something small (a raindrop, a ladybug, a lie, etc.).  
    Perhaps our world is smaller when we have traveled a lot.  We’ve been retired 25 ( Mrs. Jim) and 23 (myself) years and have fairly well finished our desire to travel. We have visited at least 82 countries. My list, .

 - I was and still am first linked with Melissa Lemay for her easy out Idea No. 1 since it is late, hosting for dVerse Poetics at  
 - Read here other's poems hosted by Melissa

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Monday, May 13, 2024

A Date Perhaps? -- a Poem for Friday Writings and for dVerse Quadrille

                    [Courtesy "]

  A Haven Not

Your place or mine

was question asked

no way ever

I'd make it yours

Yours'd be a trap

unwary falls

I am aware

of what's behind

Behind your door

jump out and scare

bejeebers out

never your place

Not safe for me

nor anyone

  _ _ _ 

  - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2024, All Rights Reserved 
  - I am linked with Magaly Guerrero for hosting at Friday Writings #127 at 
 - I am also linked with De Jackson for dVerse Quadrille Monday #201, prompt today "pine",  
 - Quadrille Monday's poetry has exactly 44 words 
 - Click here to reads other's Quadrille poems 
     Perhaps you would like to write these also 
 - Note:  I used this same blog title August 21, 2023 for Jackson Quadrille Monday #182

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Thursday, May 09, 2024

Rabbit and the Fowls - - a Poem for Friday Writings and a Piece of Prosery for dVerse

 Missing friends

Little rabbit was 

 getting lonesome 

He'd sit by the fence 

 missing his buddies 

Something told the wild geese 

 It was time to fly.”

Then they all left  

  alone again 

Didn't last him long

 ducks coming in

Quickly making friends 

 Rabbit's alone no more 


_ _ _ _ 

 - Photos and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2024, All Rights Reserved  

 - I am linked with Rosemary at dVerse Friday Writings #126 at 
   Rosemary has asked as an optional assignment for us to write a poem or story (or a few) in only 160 characters including title and spaces. (If you choose to write more than one, please put them all in one post and make sure that collectively they don't exceed our 369 word limit.)  
   I chose not to do that and wrote instead what you see next here.    
 - I am also linked with Kim881 at Prosery, dVerse,  her prompt line is above in quotations and posted at 

 - Click here for others writing Prosery Flash Writing this week.  I wrote only 44 Words, we could have 144

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Saturday, May 04, 2024

Bop introduction - a Poem for dVerse Bop MTB

My Small Box 

My little small box 
Came crackers inside 
Ate all the crackers 
Over six months 
Breakfast lunch or sup 
Kitchen on one wall 

I found a box and put a room inside 

In soup or a snack  
Parties and our meals 
Graduation kids 
Loved those brown sweeties 
Cornered caps and gowns 
Poems they'd learned 
Sweated and written 
Porches 'nother wall 

I found a box and put a room inside 

Guests had left their marks 
Floor scattered around 
Erasers not found 
Classes dropped before 
Was no sweeping floor 
Walls memories swabbed 

I found a box and put a room inside 
 _ _ _ 

Adi and my ashes will be buried together in a miniature casket 'box', large enough for two urns.  Adi and I were a Pet Partner pair, a certified Pet Therapy Team.  I still miss her.

 - Photo and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2024, All Rights Reserved 
 - I'm linked with Lara at dVerse MTB where she introduced a new to us form, the Bop.

 - Click here to read others' poems for the Bop