Saturday, July 23, 2022

Abandoned House -- a poem for The Sunday Muse


        Summer Escapes 

My hangout when I felt abused 
T'would be the old abandoned house 
The big Texas Ranch House next door 
Next door was about a mile away 
Across the water, wooded creek 

There forget about my feelings 
Hurt and not loved by my parents 
Sulking mood pre-teens often have 
Fly out the window drop to death 
Take my big dog and hike and sulk 

Tell my mom, dad always away 
"I'm going down to the creek to play" 
Stopped there, where Shep and I would play 
Thinking more, poor me, sulking still 
Go over the knoll to the house? 

There we'd stay until almost late 
Forgetting the morning conflict 
One I'd never win but I'd try  
Look for treasures left, every room 
Sunroom memories eating there 

All us kids would be herded in  
Played while our parents ate and drank 
Memories of the good times back then 
Had dreams I'm not remembering now 
Forgot about being saddened 

My own castle safe and secure 
 _ _ _ 

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2022, All Rights Reserved 
 - Photo from Carrie's collection from which to choose and write my thoughts at The Sunday Muse #220, 
 - I am thinking about an abandoned house I would visit pre-teen, mostly happy, once in a while hurting.  Sometimes besides the dog I would take my little sister.  I still have an old key that I took from a nail on a wall.  That house has since been purchased along with a small acreage and folks are living there again.

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Friday, July 22, 2022

Mind Wanderings - a Piece of Prose for Friday Writings

What comes to mind when given a pretty sunset?

It was a pretty sunset over the lake with pink sky and red sun. But my camera red eye fixer 'fixed it'. There was such a pretty red sun in the middle of this picture when I took it from inside our friend's house at her breakfast room table.

That's the way my life has often been, when someone fixes things for me that I didn't want or feel needed fixing.  "Just trying to help" is the reply if I were to protest.

Like the times I have fallen, onto the ground.  They rush in and try to help me up, when really I just want to lay there and commiserate.  

I don't fall often but when I do it seems there is always pain, often a whole lot more.  Blood, scraping of the skin, and three times broken bones.  And then my bones don't heal like regular people's do.  Oh yes, they "calcify" and stick together but the bones don't grow back together bone to bone.  That's why I use my cane when my right big toe hurts walking.  

I've talked with some others, this is their story too.  So if you happen to come onto one who has fallen, PLEASE for the person's sake, just ASK if he or she wants to get up before you try to fix things.  It may help in them with coping of some terrible misery by just lying there for a bit.
 _ _ _ 

 - Photo and Story Copyright, Jimmiehov 2007 and 2022, All Rights Reserved 
 - I am writing with Rosemary at The Friday Writings #36
 - She wants us to share either in poetry or prose a sunset experience, or whatever, comes to mind involving a pretty sunset. 

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Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Kin Separated -- a Fractal Poem for dVerse


Brothers by Marriage;
    a fractal poem 

I love them all 
Each different many ways 
All is three, that's all I've got
Brothers by marriage 
There's no brothers of my own 
All different, separated by blood lines 
Never knew any before I knew my wife 

Separated they are 
Geography for visits each other 
Though we see them periodically 
Christmas and birthday cards we send

Separated by blood line 
One is brother of my wife 
He is a widower still in grief
Blood ties make her closer to him
'Bout the same as the others for me 

Separated by distance 
Distance and blood for other two 
One is my sister's hub 
A basketball coach for years 
Then Principal of the High School
Doesn't appreciate Sis's and my foolishness 

The other is the Mrs.'s brother 
His wife also died he's grieving still 
Jack of many careers UPS loader first 
Then oil sampler from the ships near to us 
Crashed his airplane feet first, broken bones 
Out of mind for month, couldn't get into ships' holds 
Now he's a piano tuner, expert too of rebuilding 
A short rundown of the three far away 
Tennessee for the wife's brother 
Louisiana sister-in law's hub
Iowa for my sister's hubby 
I could say some more 
Not needed here 

Brothers by Marriage

      _ _ _ 

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2022, All Rights Reserved 
 - Photo at Bottom from an earlier post attributed to Shay's Prompt, here.  Some have said the fellow in the back is a woman, I say he dresses differently.
 - Photo at Top from , in poetics of the description and examples of Fractal Poetry at .  I hope mine is one.
 - Go there, above, to read that post and here for other writers' works 

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