Thursday, June 28, 2018

A 'took a chance' Poem for Thursday

Yesterday I speculated
Took a chance my life on the line
Took a seat at the bus depot
Open seat next pervert might come

That's one of my big time worries
But not my trouble it was worse
Worse yet would be six foot lady
Taller younger notices me

About the only seat, she sat
There beside me I froze in place
Then she smiled and asked seat taken
Frozen I weakly smiled large teeth

Those teeth bared imagined a growl
I got up went across the room
Still partly stiff I watched her moves
Walking swiftly across the room

Crooked smile tongue curled long sharp teeth
Time had come, was harm her desire
Or timidly wanting some fun
Quickly I knew her fun would hurt

She lunged at me and took a bite
A large piece she bit from my ear
She turned shrieked and ran out the door
Bloody ear hanging from her jowl

You say I have a phobia
Show you my missing ear it's real
  _ _ _ _

 - Photo and Poem Copyright, 2014 and 2018 Jimmiehov, All Rights Reserved
 - I previously used this photo for another poem, also about my fear of tall girls. That one is fairly, if not all, true.  To this day, alone in an elevator and one by herself steps in the I will get out, there or the next stop.
 - I'm  linked with Kerry O'Connor in the Imaginary Garden at

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Monday, June 25, 2018

Dare I Ramble? A Tuesday Texas Rambling Poem

Photo taken at Vauxhall Farm, (two blogs w/ pictures)
Vauxhall, London, U.K.

Some Texas Ramblings;
  in or out; ins and outs 

I like Texas for its gorgeous landscape, the 
hot summers and mild winters, and plenty of BBQ, 
Blue Bell Creamery ice cream and fried goodies to 
you're fed and happy.  And for very friendly people

That's how you'll know your in Texas. You'll be 
Greeted with smiles and drawls and you all's 
Lots of tall tales, most are true. I'll tell you 
Some now after I get myself dried off good 

I'm out now, sitting by the side of the pool
The water was warm, thermometer said 90
The breeze is cool, thermometer said 91 
I'm not certain which I like better, in or out 

Thinking of the time when a down the street
Lady did bad. When our next door neighbors 
Were gone, that lady brought her dogs to swim 
I don't like swimming after dogs, I told on her 

Though she told me she had permission that 
Didn't seem right. Those two ladies had a row (rhyme it with cow)
But afterwards I could swim and stay clean 
No more mange or fleas or bugs I would get 

My thinking went wild after conjuring up that  
Next came the doctor who would ride his horse 
Rode it right into the hospital, he owned the place 
The health folk made him stop so he closed shop 

Or when the neighbor kids would bring animals in 
Into the house when their parents were gone 
Roger the goat would poop on the floor, not nice 
And the rooster would wake the cat while bunnies 

I never forgave those kids cause my dog couldn't (sleep)
I told on them too. Their dad sold the goat and 
Their mom cooked the rooster after she pulled 
his head off.  The kids all cried while the bunnies 

Got to stop and take a quick dip before supper 
Next time I'll tell about the rabbits and the goose 

A driving photo in rural Scotland (former blogs)
Her buddies? Click here.
 _ _ _ _

  - Photo and Poem Copyright,  © 2018 Jimmiehov, All Rights Reserved 

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