Tuesday, December 10, 2013

JTR 01

Whisper Sweet Nothings

Whisper some sweet nothings to me was heard.
Come over here, near, I want your embrace.
I want so badly, please start with a hug.
He came with a sigh, he'd been there before.

In this fog it's hard to discern who cares,
cares so very much for one of his kind.
I want to hear your longing for love, feel
your quivering body's message for me. 
Draw under this light my love, tell me now.
Tell of your love and wanting that I crave.
Oh yes, oh oh, oh yes, whisper once more.
Close your eyes dear, can you feel my steel?

Another Jack the Ripper foggy night,

one more body count her stiletto tolled.
click on any picture for larger size 
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Photos and Poem  Copyright © 2013 Jimmiehov. All Rights Reserved
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- Shared and listed with Real Toads, Open Link Monday -
- For "Tuesday Two-Shoes" the November 19th the writing prompt words 
are  Whisper and/or Sweet (I used both words). Josie Said, "Have Fun!" (Link) -
1.  Photos are screen captures I took from watching the . A b b e y .. R o a d .. C a m (http://www.abbeyroad.com/crossing) in the old Beatles stomping ground and studio area located in Saint James Wood, London.
2.  I found out after writing this that there is a movie, named Stiletto, where a lady is the killer.  I do not know where the setting of this movie is.  I may watch this 2008 production later (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1027747/ ).

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