One Single Impression: Word
Did You Get the Word?
my word was plain and simple
not complicated--bare bones
direct and straight to the point
that word you'll not like to hear, ...
my word was plain and simple
not complicated--bare bones
direct and straight to the point
that word you'll not like to hear, ...
¿Qué palabra? [I had to ask that, we are in la Vella, Andorra, tonight. Last night was the Carcassonne area of France, tomorrow night will be Barcelona, Spain.]
From that comment, you can tell I will be scarce reading your OSI posting again this week. I will try to make it up when I get back or in June for sure! Sorry.
Copyright © 2009 Jimmiehov. All Rights Reserved
Painting is easy when you don’t know how, but very difficult when you do. Edgar Dégas
The same may go for poetry? (whatever, I enjoy painting with the words!)
The same may go for poetry? (whatever, I enjoy painting with the words!)
Labels: Humor, One Single Impression, Poem, Syllabic Form