Wednesday, October 30, 2019

A Poem not scary for Midweek Motiff

Ghosts and Ghouls 
To all the ghosts and ghouls who hear 
I've never believed you were real 
Though some may say they're surrounded 
by your howls and persistency 

Mother never taught me of you 
She was silent on the subject 
She'd have told had I need to know 
That's all because you were not there 

Growing up my life was simple 
Jack-o-lanterns and skeletons 
they graced our steps just like our kin's  
There's still no need for ghosts or ghouls 

Don't say I'm a Halloween Scrooge 
I have no fear for what is not 
 _ _ _ _ 

 - Photo and Poem Copyright,  Jimmiehov 2019, All Rights Reserved
 - I'm linked with Sanaa Rizvi  at Poets United Midweek Motiff,

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Monday, October 28, 2019

An Ode -- Poem for the Quince

Photo from Wikiedia
[click to enlarge, once or twice]
"Still-life of quinces"
Vincent Van Gogh

Ode to a Fruit

Oh that I'd eat all the fruits that I like 
Apples oranges and grapes my delight
Some are strange like the yellow fellow Quince
Not real pretty eating raw makes one wince

But baked in a pie they are O so good
A wide slice will be sweet soft and gooey
Find them in France growing near St. Remy
Van Gogh painted himself a bowl of them 

Oh that I'd eat all the fruits that I like 
Eat them raw but for Quince in pie I'll bake
 _ _ _

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2019, All Rights Reserved
 - I'm linked with Kerry O'Connor in the Imaginary Garden at

 - Kerry wrote of the scientific principle of "metamodernism" and of it's place in poetry.   My writing today makes a 180 degree turn around which sort of fits in.

 - My inspiration was from reading "an Ode to the Quince"  published in "The Tree Hugger", October 19, 2019, click here , by Melissa Breyer, managing editor (her Bio). Wikipedia article

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