Saturday, April 23, 2022

The Night -- NaPoWriMo 2022.Day 24

When We Were Young 

Like busy monkeys on their swings, we drove and drove almost all night long.  Honked at the boys, drag raced with them at the lights.  We outran them all, all except the older man driving a pukey green Corvette.   We were hopped up good, car and driver both.  And when one got tired the other would drive. 

Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights we roved the streets.  The guys could never catch us unless we caught them first.  Most of them had something to drink and offered us.  We don't drink spirits, only diet cola drinks. 

A few of the guys were okay for us young ladies, we generally ended up together at one of our homes when the parents were away.  Except for me, I lived in rented rooms and moved around town from one end to another.  

I had an apartment for a couple of weeks but then I left, landlady problems.  She didn't like our late night weekend parties.  And really didn't like when we all went to sleep and left the record player playing.  So it didn't take me long to tire of her griping and I moved out.

That was the settling.  Until -- 

Little Joe got married and both he and his new wife went away, into the Army.  He left so suddenly that we didn't even know, couldn't throw a party for him.  

We were all devastated!  Our world had been turned upside down. All us fishes left the bowl, parties over without Little Joe.  We'd cruise the streets still.  Could we bear partying again?

One person didn't leave, she could not.  She was paralyzed with grief, drifted in the bowl alone.  She had thought it was her whom Little Joe had loved.  

No wonder he had married in secret and left town so fast.  Ditched to float through life alone. 

Older guy with the pukey green Corvette?  He finally learned he wasn't up to being young. 

 - Piece of Prose Copyright, Jimmiehov 2022, All Rights Reserved  
 - I am linked with Carrie at the Sunday Muse #207,  
 - I am also linked with NaPoWriMo 2022 Day 24, 
 where we were asked to use at least one simile, I started mine with one.   Most similes use "as" or "like" to make a similar resulting comparison.
 - This story is mostly true except that I wrote it as first person tense by one of the participating young ladies.  I had hot rodded my 1952 Ford Tudor really bad, it out ran even the new Chevy V8's with power pac.  
 - We had Little Joe's goodbye party anyway, after he had left.  And there were others cruising but not the green Corvette. 

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Kay Ryan -- NaPoWriMo 2022 Day 23

 The Cow; 
   my encounter 

Met her that 
day, a rainy 
day.  A small
road and a
large cow, 
small road in 
She peeked in 
my car her 
head was wet.
We chatted - 
cow talk it 
was.  Backseat 
interpreter help 
with her cow 
tongue -- cow 
had said she 
was leaving me 
a cow pie 
 _ _ _ 

 - Photo and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2007 and 2022, All Rights Reserved 
 - I am linked with NaPoWriMo 2022 Day Twenty-three, 
 - We are to write in the "style of Kay Ryan, whose poems tend to be short and snappy ... "
 - "... read a few, you’ll see what I mean. Here’s her “Token Loss,” “Blue China Doorknob,” “Houdini,” and “Crustacean Island.”

Happy writing!

 - Kay Ryan, Wikipedia 


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Friday, April 22, 2022

Four Stanza Riddle Senyru Group -- NaPoWriMo Day 23 -- a Spine Poem

The Start of Something Good

Such a quiet place 
A bridge across the ocean
The Perfect Stranger 

What am I tonight 
"Robe of Many Colors"
Totally out of sight

Who is this stranger 
You have seen me many times 
Again not tonight 

I am the rainbow 
Afternoons after the rains 
Delight for the world 

[Earth Day, love our Earth]
_ _ _ 

 - Photo and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2022, All Rights Reserved 
 - "Write a Riddle Poem" puzzle prompt by Djorn, dVerse, p
 - I am linked too with Magaly at the Friday Writings #23, 
 - I am also linked with NaPoWriMo 2022 Day 22, ,
for a requested use of repetition.  Here I only used it once, "afternoon, after ..."
The Books:
the start of something good -- Jennifer Probst
Such a quiet place  -- Megan Miranda 
A bridge across an ocean -- Susan Moissner 
The perfect stranger -- Megan Miranda 


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Thursday, April 21, 2022

Memory Peeks -- NaPoWriM 2022 Day 21 # 2 poem

[My Photo, Jimmiehov--click for larger view]

   If My Memory Serves 

Eleanor was her name *
We dated our first with 
each other, night was brisk. 

I had my dad's pickup 
Broken foot couldn't walk 
After the show we parked 
We parked and talked and talked 

She sat so close to me 
made me nervous, sort of 
Then she came closer still 
felt she wanted to kiss 

Eleanor was my first, 
only to kiss a girl 
who left her glasses on 
She didn't take them off 

She worked on the sixth floor 
of the watch factory 
while I was on the third 
I don't know what she did 

I ran six screw machines 
automatic screw machines 
I kept the rods coming 
and made sure blades  were sharp 

Eleanor and I stayed 
apart, no dates again 
Me? Went in the Army 
She? Moved back to her town  

Never saw her again 
No letters passed by us 
I've forgotten her name *
One of few can't look up

Army educated 
it educated me 
Went to France learned of Gogh 
St. Remy "Olive Grove" 

I snapped a picture there 
Picture, his Olive Grove 
Matched it with his painting 
Scene I'll never forget 

Memories, precious ones 
Some parts I've forgotten 
But remember enough 
'Nuff to keep me happy 

Would I ever attempt, 
try to fill empty holes? 

 [By Van Gogh, click for larger view

* (1)  Eleanor I'm sure was not her name.  I really cannot and probably never will remember her name. 
(2)  All this is true except that in the Army I DID NOT GO TO FRANCE.  I spent my five years all in ElPaso, Texas, at Fort Bliss.  Later, Mrs. Jim and I holidayed in France.  The Olive Grove is across the street from his Sanatorian at the edge of town, St. Remy, Provence, France. 
 _ _ _ 

 - Photo and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2006 and 2022, All Rights Reserved 
 - I'm linked with NaPoWriMo Day Twenty-one, 
  - This prompt asks you to write a poem in which: 
(1)  you first recall someone you used to know closely but are no longer in touch with; 
(2)  then a job you used to have but no longer do;  
(3)  and then a piece of art that you saw once and that has stuck with you over time; and 
(4)  finally, close the poem with an unanswerable question. 
 Happy writing!

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Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Food? Awwchh, More Oatmeal? -- NaPoWriMo Day 21

      I Like Oatmeal Not 

(Today I tried again to eat some oatmeal) 

(gagging) "Aawwchh, Oatmeal again? 

Yes, and one of these days 
you're going to like me 

Well, certainly I won't  
certainly not today 

I'm creamy, cinnamon 
and sugar sprinkled with 
a few raisons thrown in 

Aawwchh, please don't make me think 
hurts my head and belly 
just the thought sickens me 

My feelings are hurt bad 
sniff, never in my life 
'they' all treat me so nice 

enough of you, be gone 

(sink disposer gurgles) 

I've had enough of that 
nervy fool, can't fool me 

(from deep down) Let me out 
You win, never again 
 _ _ _ 

 - Prose Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2022, All Rights Reserved 
 - I am linked to post with NaPoWriMo Day 21
 - And today I'm using to write our (optional) NaPoWriMo Day 20 , the prompt for yesterday ... "a challenge you to write a poem that anthropomorphizes a kind of food. It could be a favorite food of yours, or maybe one you feel conflicted about. I feel conflicted about Black Forest Cake, for example. It always looks so pretty in a bakery window, and I want to like the combination of cherries and chocolate . . . but I don’t. But how does the cake feel about it?"

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Rose(s) -- NaPoWriMo Day Twenty

Roses I have known 

They line the esplanades of our city 
Red, all red they are--knockouts the faves 
In our parks, gardens, backyards there're blooming 
I like the ones we have, knockouts also 

There's a different rose that I know--Rose 
Dear friend for life, Rose, known for years and years  

Absolutely Fabulous all- Roses  
 _ _ _  

 - Photo and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2022, All Rights Reserved (photo is a of one of the three rose beds in our backyard) 
 - I am linked with NaPoWriMo Day Twenty  .  The promp was a rebellious food, for sure I'd puke if I tried digesting any of my roses.   Maybe tomorrow. 
 - I am also linked with Merril D Smith aka merridsmith at dVerse in Poetics: Naming the Rose,

 - Our prompt:  Choose one—or more–of the names from the list below and use it in your poem OR as a title for your poem. Just to be clear, you can write in any style or form, and the poems do not have to be about roses or flowers. Have fun! I can’t wait to see what you come up with.  
The List: 
'Absent Friends; Absolutely Fabulous; A Whiter Shade of Pale; Bobby Dazzler; Boule de Neige; Julia’s Kiss; Leaping Salmon; Pretty Jessica; Purple Tiger; Sylvia; Twice in a Blue Moon; and 'A list of Country Garden Roses.'  
Perhaps one of the most famous poems about roses is this one by Robert Burns. 
A Red, Red Rose 
"O my Luve is like a red, red rose 
That’s newly sprung in June; 
O my Luve is like the melody 
That’s sweetly played in tune. . . '" 

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Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Young artists and poets -- NaPoWriMo 2022 Day Nineteen ( for dVerse Quadrille)

     Broken Chalk 

Put the broken chalk in the box 
Save it for the children poets 
Pretty driveway pictures they'll make 
Messages to passerbys and 
In secret code some to their friends 

Best of all will be their poems 
Friends and strangers alike will read 
Eoohs and aawes children love to hear 
Broken chalk 
  _ _ _ 

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2022, All Rights Reserved 
 - I am linked with NaPoWriMo 2022 Day Nineteen, 
 - There we are to start our poem with a command, my first line is my command. 
 - I am also linked with De Jackson at dVerse for Quadrille #150, 
 - She has us writing a Flash Poem with a body of exactly 44 words and using the word, "Chalk".   Also mine is using 59 syllables, 7 x 8 and 1 x 3.

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Monday, April 18, 2022

Question? NaPoWriMo 2022 Day Eighteen

You've got a Question? 
Well, I've got Answers 
Have several for you

(1)  It would be an awfully lot.  One million or more. 

(2)  Your oldest unmarried daughter. 

(3)  Wine and chocolates for a year.

(4)  Arms and legs.

(5)  Priceless.

Highlight the blank area below to see the Question. 
What do I need to do to get 
you to sell me your dog?
 _ _ _ _ 

 - Question and answers Copyright, Jimmiehov 2022, All Rights Reserved 
 - I'm linked with  NaPoWriMo 2022 Day 18 for writing an "Answers" prompt, 

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Sunday, April 17, 2022

Adi Beagle Dog -- NaPoWriMo 2022 Day Seventeen

Adi was retired -- In more ways than one 
Adi died in 2012 

Adi; our Beagle Dog; 
                            sort of

Adi was my granddog 
Google never liked her 
mostly because granddog  
was spelled with 
two words in 
her sad dictionary 

Adi was a grand dog 
and was our granddog. 

Adi came to live with us 
when our daughter could 
not keep Beagle Dogs in 
her new apartment so she 
had stayed with us for the 
rest of her life. 

Adi and I were registered 
as a pet therapy couple 
We were tested every year 
She loved to visit 
the Alzheimer wing 
Every resident loved her 
and she loved them in return 

One day Adi's mom came to visit 
Hubby had come along 
Adi didn't know they were coming 
I didn't want her to get 
her hopes up too far ahead 
of time 

watch the video 
to see our daughter's welcome 

 _ _ _ 

 - Photo, YouTube, and Poem Copyright,  Jimmiehov 2012, 2008, and 2022, All Rights Reserved 
 - I'm linked with NaPoWriMo 2022 Day Seventeenth for the prompt, "Dog", 

 - This is a fun one – it’s a prompt developed by the comic artist Lynda Barry, and it asks you to think about dogs you have known, seen, or heard about, and then use them as a springboard into wherever they take you.  Lynda Barry, Wikipedia 
 - Below are a few I've already written about my favorite dog, Adi, now in Doggie Heaven:
 - Adi blogs or mentioned in one of my blogs -- 

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