Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A Last Poem for Bill and for the Imaginary Garden


Five Petaled Tulip 
(Photo by Jimmiehov)


Goodbye is hard to say when one knows they on earth won't
see each other again

A farewell not enjoyed
Words we like not to hear
But "Goodbye" I must say

A goodbye we must say 
Our friendship here must end 
Part we must, wipe our tears

Goodbye now, Heaven waits 
_ _ _  

 - For our friend, Bill

 - I changed my write this morning. 
We have sadnes for a friend who just died. "Bill" is thirteen years younger than me and leaves a wife his age. Plus kids and grandkids as we. 
His funeral is today, January 2 at 11:00CDT.
We will not be able to attend.
Copied from onituary 

 - Photo and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2019, All Rights Reserved
 - I am linked with Kerry O'Connot in the Imaginary Garden at http://withrealtoads.blogspot.com/2019/12/the-imaginary-garden-with-real-toads.html?m=1

 - This is a "Say it Again" poem linking to "KERRY ~ LET'S FIND OUR POETIC VOICE."
 - It will be' my last poem linked to our beloved Imaginary Garden which is closing today.