Thursday, January 06, 2022

Friday Writings - New Year's Resolutions

        HAPPY NEW YEAR !!

               Something Wrong (Bad)? 
            [Photo courtesy "V e r i z o n", 
              an Interloper ad on my blog] 

      Fix the Bad Wrong 

I used to think Resolutions  
Every year there'd come a group 
They'd feel bad about conduct bad 
Their conduct bad the year just passed 
So they'd resolve to do better 
Better the year just coming then 
Called them New Year's Resolutions 

I'd feel this was the thing to do 
One problem with me doing that 
Good young lad I was known to be 
Hadn't done anything bad wrong 
Nor missed anything right to do 
So why should I worry and fret 
Doing something I need not do 

From that early time on I don't 
I've resolved Resolutions not 
                         _ _ _ 

I used to think Resolutions  

 Never again 
After I found out 
 How far away 
Monahans is from me
 Monahans Texas 
Is 510 miles from me 
 Here in Katy Texas 

 Resolutions are useless 
Useless as driving to Monahans 
 Because I don't know 
Don't know anyone there 

  And I don't know 
Anything I need to Resolve 
             _ _ _ 

    I'm not thinking 
 Resolutions anymore 

But if some crazy law 
 Made me do it 
I would Resolve to work  
 At least one puzzle each 
And every day next year 

I do that anyway, Sudoku
 An easy Resolution for me 
 _ _ _ 

 - Poem and Photos Copyright, Jimmiehov 2021, All Rights Reserved 
 - I am linked for Prompting with Rommy at Friday Writings #8, 
 - Rommy would like us to write poetry or prose inspired by New Year’s Resolutions (your resolution, how much you love or loathe resolutions, the meaning of resolutions… It’s your choice).  

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Monday, January 03, 2022

Sunday Muse -- Another Journey



Cuando Cubango; 

Never been to Angola 
Gonna go there now 
I've tired of Durban  
Enough is enough 

Going to Angola now 
Long way to Capetown 
Across Africa I'll drive 
Looks paved all the way 

Never been to Angola 
Maps, trusty GPS 
Got a new Navigator 
Knows just where to go 

[African Wildebeest
Photo mine, Jimmiehov, 2020]

Barefoot gal hitchhiking there 
Classmate reminded 
Barefoot, cutoffs too, so smart 
Barefoot gal she was my pal 

Differential equations 
Solving them so well 
Though we can't relive our past 
That we can in our minds 

Angola's a long way off 
Before we arrive 
Lots can happen on our path 
New friendship we could make 

[African Zebras Photo mine
Jimmiehov, 2020]
 _  _  _  

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2022, All Rights Reserved 
 - Photos, two, African Animals are Copyright, Jimmiehov 2022, All Rights Reserved [click photos for larger size, click again for larger still.]
 - Photo Prompt, top, furnished by Carrie at The Sunday Muse  #192 
 - Although I've labeled this as Fiction much of it was "my life" including being in Africa twice and not yet visiting Angola.  The Barefoot classmate was also true but I never have had a female hitchhiker without Mrs Jim with me.

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