Sunday, March 29, 2009

One Single Impression: Smoke

Remember When

where there's fire there's smoke
us kids on the loose in town
thousand eyes watching

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Don't Remember When

smokey bar in town
whiskey sours -- rye on the rocks
he don't like the smoke

whiff and sniff the air
much cleaner breath found next door
no one here he finds

lonesome -- on the town
back he goes cigar in mouth
smoke rings now he blows
sips fine bourbon laced with gin
sicker than a louse he got

puked his guts all night
he'll blame it on the cigar
'twas smoke done him in

Copyright © 2009 Jimmiehov. All Rights Reserved

Tag: One Single Impression Smoke is this week's prompt
Brought by Deborah Godin of the The Cloud Messinger blogTag: Jim's OSI

Also on May 5, 2015, I linked this post with Kerry O'Connor
at the Real Toads, The Tuesday Platform
Painting is easy when you don’t know how, but very difficult when you do. Edgar Dégas
The same may go for poetry? (whatever, I enjoy painting with the words!)

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