Friday, July 14, 2023

Going Gothic? Gross at Least -- a Poem for dVerse Poetics Day and Friday Writings


'twas most embarrassing 
most I've ever been 

hanging from a thin thread 
a big glob of snot 

a thin yellowish thread 
slimy sticky stream 

out from my nose dangling
holding glob from fall 

onto my chest would fall 
sneeze was bad enough 

bad, embarrassing me 
table of twenty 

nineteen were watching me 
left my hanky home 

host handed a cloth 
napkin shiny silk 

loosened by dreadful sneeze
mine was on the floor 

grateful and humbled big 
fiancé's rescue
    _ _ _ 

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2023, All Rights Reserved
 - Prompt Word furnished by Kim, hosting dVerse Poetics today at 
 - The word from Kim's list was used as my title, filipendulous, which means "hanging by something thin." "
 - Click here to read other's efforts' the fruit from others using the words they have chosen. 
 - I'm also linked with Magaly at the Friday Writings #85 though I've declined her very impressive prompt material.  I've been busy doing church work (VBS cadre) and have a lot of catching up to do.  Most will choose an option she offers.  See the work for all who are writing for her this week at  

 - The first part of my poem reminds me of one time my sister coughed

sister's memories vary, she remembers best how I taught her to avoid smoking cigarettes. By some illicit means known only to me I had acquired a pack. We went down to the creek and 'smoked.' I think Lois smoked two.

She claims they made her sick. I only remember
a lot of coughing and meaningless words from her. To this day I can't recall how I ever convinced her to 'smoke' the second.

My other favorite memory is teaching her to drive Dad's pickup. I taught a lot of girls and women to drive, maybe even ten. My kids count for two of them. Lois was always a bad driver. Once on the way home from school she ran over a neighbor's mailbox. Another time later in life she ran right into someone and totaled out a very nice Oldsmobile she and hubby, Jim. W, owned. [purloined from a previous post of mine, at 

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Thursday, July 13, 2023

ROCKS with IMAYO form ~~ a poem for dVerse MTB

  Toto's Rock Garden
'Cause my dog loves a garden -
I made one for him 
with pretty rocks but there's no -
not one, cockle shell 
but only rocks, pretty rocks -
painted bright colors 
and now we're looking for him -
a wee white fairy 

_ _ _ 

 - Photo and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2017 (bottom picture) and 2023 respectively, All Rights Reserved -- Bottom picture of Katrin credits here
 - I'm linked with Laura Bloomberry at dVerse MTB Rocking the IMAYO
 - Click here to read other writers' works with ROCKS and using the IMAYO form's one long sentence poem

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Monday, July 10, 2023

Kisses, eggs, and kids ~~ a Poem for dVerse Quadrille Twelfth's Anniversary

An Even Dozen  

That's an art of sorts 
Way too many most 
Not enough a few 
It all depends on 
commodity rife 

A dozen kisses 
That's way overmuch 
Twelve eggs is just right 
Kids, don't even think 
I've five really fine 

Dozens are handy 
Kisses couple's fine 
_ _ _ 
 - Photos and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehove 2016 and 2023, respectively, All Rights Reserved  
 - Photos and ensuing text are from my earlier post, 
 - I'm linked with   in Quadrille at Happy dVerse Twelfth Anniversay, 
 - Here a Quadrille poem has exactly 44 words not counting the title, tonight it should use the word Twelve. 
 - Clicking here will take you to the site containin links to other writer's efforts with their Quadrille writings.
 _ _ _ 

TMI Stuff?

Of growing up on the farm, the chicken end was pretty much Mom's, the feeding and growing and the care of the eggs that the hens would lay.  Saturday night found her cleaning the eggs that were produced for the week.  Often I would 'help' her as it was a good time to have Mom just for myself. 

She didn't have to grade them, like Grade AA Large, but this scale would take care of the sizing if she were to sell to an individual or a retailer.  Most times we took the eggs to a produce house. 

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