Thursday, June 26, 2014

Talk Turkey

Talking Turkey 

I say there old chap, Mr. Turk.  Do you have safety insurance?
Gobble, gobble.
(Interpreted as "I don't speak'a da English") 

I mean, do you have protection?  Protection from bad things happening?
Gobble, gobble?
(Interpreted as "Protection, how does that go?") 

It means that if anything bad happens to you, our insurance will pay.  And if we see something bad happening, we will protect you from harm."
Gobble, gobble.
(Interpreted as "I don't see any need for that.") 

Just last week Snorky had some of the ducks eating from his trough.  Worse yet, they were swimming in his water bowl.  You know how nasty ducks can be?")
Gobble, gobble, gobble?
(Interpreted as "Now that sounds like maybe something I could use.  What would be the worst problem I might encounter?)

You could run into your owner, carrying an axe.  That would be bad.
(Interpreted as "Doesn't sound too bad to me.") 

Well it could be, especially if it were late fall.  That is Humans' holiday called Thanksgiving.  The main course at the table is Turkey.
Gobble, Gobble?
(Interpreted as "Would that affect me?") 

Yes it surely would.  With the axe he would cut your head off.  Then you would flop and squirm around in pain and looking for some air to breath.  Some fellows have drowned in their own blood trying to breath.
Gobble, gobble, gobble! Gobble, gobble?
(Interpreted as "Oh my goodness, help me now!  What does my protection cost?") 

The end will come very quickly then.  With the axe or more often another very sharp knife, he will cut you into pieces and quick freeze you.  Some are quick frozen before the cutting.  Some time later you will change hands and the new person will fry or bake you until you're brown again.
Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble?
(Interpreted as " Hurry, hurry!  Were do I sign up?) 

That will be $200 first.
"Yes Sir, yes Sir.  Here, I'm paying cash!"

- - - - - .  ..

Picture and Poem Copyright, © 2014 Jimmiehov, All Rights Reserved

Today I am linked with Kerry at the Real Toads, Conversation Challenge (link)
 (Updated -- November 22, 2016)
Again linked with Kerry at the Real Toads, Tuesday Platform:
1.  For this challenge, Kerry wants us to select an animal, portrait, statue or any suitable companion of conversation that can be successfully addressed in Apostrophe. 2.  The entire poem should consist of the conversation, so any references to setting, characterization etc must be included in the words spoken.
3.  This is another of the animals at the Vauxhall City Animal Farm in Lambeth, London (link).  We visited there with our granddaughter, KP, while in London this May (link).

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Monday, June 23, 2014

Contradictions here?

 [click on the pictures to enlarge, click again for larger still]
[the back button will return you to the poem]

Send me 
Send me a letter, send it to Ophir
Ophir, Colorado, will do just fine
I'll be there in a day or two or three
One thing, darling, I'm missing you greatly 
I miss you in the morning, then at night
When I eat my noontime lunch, I miss you
My heart aches and I can't sleep, want you near
Send my letter, have it wait in Ophir 
The city lights, the hustle and bustle
They're getting to me, I want to come home
Home to you sweetheart, but I can't come now
Business at hand holds hope to make for riches

Picture and Poem Copyright, © 2014 Jimmiehov, All Rights Reserved
Today I'm linked with Kerry at the Real Toads, Open Link Monday (link)
Note:  Most of the 'poems' I write are written with the intent that they can stand alone, independent of the pictures.  A few like this one I wrote with standing alone in mind but also meant for play with the pictures.
Actually the pictures here are not what would be inferred (my hopes) from reading the poem.  The top is a genuine U.S. Post Office, open a few hours some days, several miles northeast of Telluride.  The lower picture is of Mrs. Jim and I out for a walk through the little hills, foothills to the great Colorado Rockies. 
There in 2008, we were visiting Colorado-summering neighbors on our return to Texas from Nebraska after completing the Blogstock 'o8 celebrations (link).  I think we have aged a little now over the intervening six years.

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