Not What We Came Here To See ~~ Micro Poetry, Dodoitsu Form
Alligators in the pond
They came from miles them to see
Gators they saw, something more
Little dogs inhaled
_ _ _ _
Photo and poem copyright 2006 and 2016,
@ Jimmiehov, All Rights Reserved
2006 photo posting,
I'm linked with Kerry O'Conner at the Imaginary Garden with Real Toads, Not What We Came Here To See ~~ Micro Poetry;
This piece of micro poetry, a four line poem, is written in Dodoitsu Form, a Japanese poem form having seven syllables in its first three lines and five in the fourth. Read more, The Writer's Digest,
I am writing this evening with my iPad. I found this alligator in the water at Port Arthur, Texas.
Labels: Animals, Micro Poetry, Poem, Real Toads, Syllabic Form