Saturday, August 15, 2020

A Poem ~~ Peace and Right Planting

Straight as an arrow 
proud farmer did plant 
GPS controled
his rows did not bend 

Life equally straight 
he went by the Book  
Rules he would not bend
fair with clan and foes 

While storm clouds hovered 
his animals slept 
Protectorate he 
wolves and warriors bayed  

Troubles all around 
Right wins big rewards 

Sticker from
The Sierra Club 
[ok to grab]
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 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2020, All Rights Reserved
 - Photo from Fireblossom linked below
 - I'm linked with Fireblossom at Sunday Muse # 121
 - This is a Flash Poem with 55 words, 14 lines, and 70 syllables at five per line

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