Friday, September 05, 2008

SkyWatch Friday (my eighth) -- Over the bridge and up through the trees

You can click on any picture for large, for super sized push the SS link.

[Super sized]

My friend John hosted our Montgomery Country Early Ford V-8 Club meeting at his home. Many of us drove our old Fords there. It was a beautiful setting there in John's front yard.

[super sized]

I helped John raise this windmill, a lot of us did. To See my earlier blog about the mill raising,
click here.

[super sized]

I took the first two with Skywatch in mind. That sky was so pretty on this July summer Texas day! This picture I wanted the windmill, lake, and lawn. The boat is extra.

Super sized: [the setting] [the cars] [the food]

Here is setting. Most of our cars were parked on he other side of the lake. My car, a 1950 Ford Deluxe Tudor was absent. I came in with the '98 Mustang GT convertible. For sure this was a top-down day.

The cars for our club are Fords, from 1932 when the Flathead V-8 engine was introduced through 1953 when this engine was replaced with an overhead valve V-8 engine.

Of course we ate, the Jim Bunch always eats (
link). We had BBQ brisket and chicken, potato salad, beans, chips and an awfully lot of fattening desert. Plus drinks from water to tea to all the popular soda drinks.

Super sized: [1953 Ford] [1934 Ford front] [1934 Ford rear]

On the left is a nice 1953 Ford Sunliner Convertible, the newest car for the Club. The cars just have to fit these years, '32-'53, I would like to have a 1952 or 1953 Ford Six-cylinder. This is a more modern overhead valve engine with a lot less problems.

The other car is a 1934 Ford Three-Window Coupe, front and rear. Today no one brought a 1932 Ford, the oldest for our club. My friend John sold his very nice 1932 Five-Window Coupe (little duece coupe) with a rumble seat. This 1934 Ford Coupe has a trunk instead of a rumble seat.

Our Club is affiliated with the national Early Ford V-8 Club of America (link). Each of us is a member in the national organization. I am a charter member of the Montgomery Club as well.

Tag: Skywatch participants and How To Have Your Own Skywatch

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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Wordless Wednesday #070 -- Adi Can . . . . . . Gravitate to the Green Things

[large picture] [super size]

[large picture] [super size]

[large picture] [super size]

Or yellow,
if it says
John Deere

Wordless Participants
[link Tues] [link Wed]

Tag: Adi Can

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Sunday, August 31, 2008

One single impression: Spectacle

The Spectacle

I could not see
the signs in time
road signs that said
do this go there

Eye spectacle
need for the right
cost me hundreds
to pay the tab

A pitch dark night
I did not see
that sharp tree stem
my eye did poke

Eye bandage gone
need specs no more
the signs so clear
again I see

Tag: One Single Impression to see poems by the others

Tag: Jim's OSI

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