Saturday, July 24, 2021

Sunday Muse -- and I Cried


Dolly Cried 

Why is that big tear 

Did I stick you with a pin 

Did I take you from your drink 

Did I take your toy away 

Please don't cry 

Is it something I have said 

Or something I haven't said 

Maybe something I have done 

Bigger than these 

Something I have not done 

Did I forget your birthday 

Or our anniversary 

When ladies cry 

Sorry if I made you cry 

I hate that, shouldn't happen 

(Tough being in the dog house) 

Dolly Cried 

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 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2021, All Rights Reserved 

 - For the Photo prompt I am linked with Shay, a.k.a. Fireblossom, at The Sunday Muse #170, 


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Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Weekly Scribblings -- Waystation

    A Monarch Waystation Garden 

Last spring's early happy sighting 
Group of scouts, Monarch butterflies 
Looking to find some Milkweed plants 
Twelve other varieties too 

Leaves to attach their fertile eggs 
Leaves for caterpillars to eat 
Flowers whose pollen insects love 
sustenance for the family 

Mating, baby growing ends,  
they're ready to go north or south 
North to stay cool, south to be warm 
A pleasant stay this stopover 

Seeing and knowing Nature's treat 
Sets folks planting flowers plants 
Where Monarchs recreate and play 
A Monarch Waystation Garden 

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 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2021 
 - Reference, Monarch Butterfly, 
 - Photo and Reference, Build a Monarch Waystation, .  The NUMBERS in the picture above denote placement of 20 different named plants and flowers in this Website. 
 - Rommy has asked us to write poetry or prose using the word 'waystation' as inspiration.
 - We had planned to plant Milkweed seeds this spring but now that must wait for next year.  At least I hope we do.

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