a Thursday Poem ~~ for today's "Bits of Inspiration"
- Photo and Poem Copyright, © Jimmiehov 2006 and 2018, All Rights Reserved
(photo link, December 31, 2006 Mrs. Jim and Jim, New Years Eve Masquerade Party)
- I'm linked with By Susie Clevenger in the Imaginary Garden at http://withrealtoads.blogspot.com/2018/08/bits-of-inspiration-doppleganger.html
- This is a true account, I won't name him but his name is a buzzword in our Houston area. Think of a very notorious husband killer's defender. He has a beard the color of mine but now he keeps his busy, mine I keep close. AND PLEASE TAKE THE POEM FOR WHAT IT IS, and don't let me (Jim) enter into your second reading)
- I've seen the Chicago movie more than twice but not the play.
Labels: Personal-Challenge-2018, Real Toads, women, YouTube