Saturday, June 13, 2020

A Poem -- Artistic Interpretation

"Perfect Balance" 
Surreal Art Photography
by Luisa Azevedo

Secret Keeping

I carry the weight of the world  
All in my head 'be safe and sound 
Secrets, they're  yours, mine, others, past  
That's well and good for us around 

But some times things get to be much 
And when that comes things do leak out 
Like deer in heat from antler horns 
Antennas tuned for high power 

Best close the mouth and plug those ears 
Ship is leaving tales last for years 
_ _ _ 

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2020, All Rights Reserved 
 - Picture "Perfect BalanceSurreal Art Photography by Luisa Azevedo  
 - I'm linked with Carrie Van Horn with "Sunday Muse #112" at 
 - Note:  I  generally try to write so that my poem/writing will be able to  stand alone, separated from the illustrating picture.  Here the two are meant to work together as in  ekphrastic writing (see "Ekphrastic Poetry: Definition and Examples" article, click here).  

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