Friday, July 21, 2023

Simple Life - a Poem for Friday Writings


Microwaves and Keurig 
Dishwashers and wash 
machines and the likes 
Glimmers in my life 

Quick and easy is 
the way of my life 

Quick and easy fits 
From hot chocolate, 
square eggs to fit bread, 
stuffed peppers a snap 

Little things, glimmers,
make my life simple 

  • "Glimmers are small moments that spark joy or peace, which can help cue our nervous system to feel safe or calm.
  • Experts say this mindset shift can make a positive impact on our mental health."
  • USA Today
 _ _ _ 

 - Photos and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2023, All Rights Reserved 
 - I am linked with Rommy for the prompt at Friday Writings # 86 ,   
 - Rommy has asked us "to write about our “glimmers”. A glimmer is the opposite of a trigger--some small thing that fills us with happiness/delight and can turn a mood around."

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Monday, July 17, 2023

Grown Girl Advice -- a Poem for dVerse Prosery Night

Barbie Doll, dolled up in Pink

    The Mother's Advice 

"For beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror.”

    Those my mother's words, as I stepped onto the train after we'd exchanged parting hugs. Irritated me a bit, I'm a grown girl who shouldn't need that kind of advice. 

    All was well when I chose my bench seat, all forward facing ones were taken in the section I was assigned.

    Thinking those words over, I know in the sight of many I am a pretty girl, young adult now. Younger less aware should heed them for sure.  

    My thought train was interrupted when the fellow next to edged my way, close making me feel uncomfortable. I gave him a defensive nudge to hint that he was sitting too close. 

    He didn't take that hint, played it like an invitation to come some closer. I jumped up, changed my seat. 

    Mom, you were right. 
     _ _ _ 

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2023, All Rights Reserved 
 - I'm linked with Mish at dVerse, Prosery Night
 - Mish has a Poet tonight, Rainer Maria Rilke, chosen for us and are instructed to right a piece of prose, not more than 144 words, including the title.  That first line of his poem, “The First Elegy”, Duinos Elegies, was the opening line of my writing here, The Mother's Advice.' 
 - Click here to read the writings of other participants.

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