Thursday, January 11, 2018

Cool Joe ~~ a Poem

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Cool Joe 
Here I sit, watching traffic flow 
Flying Ace, dubyu dubyu One 
Missions hundreds, Sopwith Camel 
Famed Red Baron, nemesis mine 
He didn't win, Snoopy retired 
Noisy street doesn't bother me 
Beagle dogs are the best, just ask 
Ask 'Round Headed Kid', he'll agree 
Charlie Brown.  Woodstock, he'll say too  

Shortstop extraordinary 
Our baseball team, we never win 
Lucy Brown, she's the very worst 
Down this busy street, to school trudge 
They leave me by the door, alone 
Where is Peppermint Patty now 
That's where, when.  Why do I wake up 
Once again, watching traffic flow 

- - - - 

Photo and poem Copyright Jimmiehov, all rights Reserved
Photo is of my dresser top.  The Peanuts carton words: 
   "My life has become a bore
    Everything is the same day in and day out
    What I need is a change
    (last frame, Snoopy has changed his
     feet to the other end of his doghouse)"
I'm linked with Paul at the Imaginary Garden
Go there to see my writing suggestion
BrothersSpike, Andy,
  Olaf, Marbles, Rover
Sisters: Belle, Molly
Owner: Charlie Brown 
  (aka "Chuck)
Lila (previously)
Snoopy (beagle dog)
 Lucy ("Chuck's" sister)
Link to All the Characters 
(picture to the right also there)

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