A 'Spoem' for you today -- Challenge poem
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spoem (ˈspəʊɪm) - noun (informal)
1. a poem made up entirely from the subject lines of a different spam emails
2. a random sequence of words inn the subject line of a spam email, generated to fool spam filters
- My Spam box today only had nine e-mail messages, the first and last were not Spam as I had deleted it around midnight last night. Most days I will get between 150 and 250 Spam e-mailings, sometimes even more
- So I didn't have too much to work with. The numbers in parentheses (x) denotes how many extra words in each line I used, i.e. were not within the Spam. I changed tense or case and did NOT count that nor did I count changing the lady's name to Laurie.
- I used the top and the bottom lines but they are not Spam. We have visited Isle of Man and loved it. My maternal grandfather's family (Corkhill) was from Isle of Man. We talked with one Corkhill while there and found many, many more listed in the phone book.
- For my blogging account of our visit to Isle of Man, click here
Labels: Family, Isle of Man, Personal-Challenge-2015, Poem, Real Toads, Syllabic Form