]The neighborhood park just off Abbey Road]
Bumming around St. John's Wood;
a district in the City of Westminster, London (link)
Walking down the streets of St. John's Wood
We'll take High Street first if we're hungry
Gelato shop is always welcome
A blackberry cone or use a spoon
Start or stop at the Library end
Drop off a book pick one up or read
Walk through city park and past the old church
We're bound for Regent's Park feed the ducks
Trapeze scholars may be out, practice
Take pictures of the bridges and folk
Smell the flowers pick if we dare
Smile for mothers wave to the babies
Coming back we will exit the park**
and walk Kings Road to get back
Past the Cricket Field and then turn right
At Paul McCartney's house photo time
Left then right at the corner pass our flat
At the corner next Abbey Lane, wave
Wave to the camera***, to the home folk
Cross with tourists, savor the aura
**(or go right and visit Primrose Park
View downtown London there from the hill)
_ _ _ _
- Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2019, All Rights Reserved
- I'm linked with Margaret in the Imaginary Garden at http://withrealtoads.blogspot.com/2019/04/the-streets-of-brooklyn.html where she has some beautiful pictures of her walk in Brooklyn, NYC USA
- I'm also linked with the NaPoWriMo group at http://www.napowrimo.net/day-fourteen-6/
- I plan to post some pictures in the afternoon, have to find what I have. For five years we would visit London a couple of times a year and stay with our daughter and her family for looong visits.
- ***
Camera Link, https://www.earthcam.com/world/england/london/abbeyroad/?cam=abbeyroad_uk
[house on the left should be Paul McCartney's]
[on Circus Road, Abbey Road will be at
the corner, turn right Kids's flat is here,
the next year they moved to Abbey Road]
[This is a St. John's Wood park outside
the playground. St. John's church also has one]
[The gelato store is about a 1/2 mile walk]
Labels: London, NaPoWriMo 2019, Syllabic Form