Like a flashbulb, hair triggered
Like a flashbulb ready to go off
Spoil sport, we want just to have some fun
Hair triggered, lit fuse, ill-humored
Day of stiffs, skeletons, and scarecrows
'Hang up in jest but don't do it here'
That's the message being sent to us
You see, they scare the bijiggers i.-
e. BeJeezus* right outa my dog
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Photo and Poem Copyright, © 2017 Jimmiehov, All Rights Reserved (my photo above is a 'PrintScreen' of Kerry's contribution at the link below. The little buy below is an artist rendition, "the only one" (??) from, see link at the bottom here*)
- I'm linked with Kerry O'Connor , at the Imaginary Garden with Real Toads, Camera FLASH, (my Flash poem has 61 words)
"BeJeezus was not a King (as far as we know - he was way too common). His name was Basil De Jesus and he was a joker in a royal court, not sure which one? he loved to play jokes, and had a bad habit of sneeking up on people when they least expected it, yelling out DeJesus has got you. One day he scared the King - (this is to our knowledge the correct version) thus he was beheaded - you just cant go around scaring mighty rulers. He is still fondly remembered - his name lingers on and everyone today who scares the crap out of anyone else get remember by the name BeJezzus." " 'The Origin of: "You scared the bejesus outta me!'" (!%22 )
Labels: Flash Writing, Humor(?), Poem, Real Toads, Syllabic Form