A Poem -- in Tribute to Sherry and Global Warming
Global Warming;
one last time here
"They" said it was too hard
And it would never be
Argue until we're Blue
Liked not Global Warming
"They" said winters are cold
colder than our normal
Plugged their ears when we told
Hotter summers bring cold-
er winters climate swing
"Climate Change" denial
Close their eyes, harder rains stronger storms, melting ice
Wild animals dying
I believe Climate Change
Won't you think that way too
_ _ _
- Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2019, All Rights Reserved
- I am linked with Sherry Blue Sky in the Imaginary Garden at http://withrealtoads.blogspot.com/2019/12/wordy-friday-with-wild-woman-staying.html?m=1
- Please consider this Poem a tribute to Sherry Blue Sky. An avid Mother Nature supporter, hers at the link above will be her last there as the Imaginary Garden is set to close this year end, December 31.
Labels: A Tribute, Global Warming