Endearing Words, a flash poem
Penciled her thoughts on his ear
He awakened not
Heartfelt invisible words
Whispered, I love you madly
He awakened when
She softly started to leave
He mouthed, love you too
He switched soft light on
Reached for his object of joy
Facebook friends beckoned
_ _ _
My inspiration:
"Clara joined him on the bench.
They sat in silence, side by side.
Then Clara leaned back, her body touching the words
someone had freshly carved into the wood.
Above, 'Surprised by Joy.'
Beside her on the bench Armond opened
'The Balm in Gilead' to the bookmark,
took took a deep breath,
And started forward."
- Louise Penny, 'The Long Way Home'
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Picture and Poem Copyright, © Jimmiehov 2012 (picture) and 2017(poem), All Rights Reserved
I'm linked with Magaly Guerrero at the Imaginary Garden with Real Toads,
Labels: Flash Writing, Flirty Guy, Personal-Challenge-2017, Poem, Real Toads, Senryū, Tanka