Endearing Words, a flash poem
Penciled her thoughts on his ear
He awakened not
Heartfelt invisible words
Whispered, I love you madly
He awakened when
She softly started to leave
He mouthed, love you too
He switched soft light on
Reached for his object of joy
Facebook friends beckoned
_ _ _
My inspiration:
"Clara joined him on the bench.
They sat in silence, side by side.
Then Clara leaned back, her body touching the words
someone had freshly carved into the wood.
Above, 'Surprised by Joy.'
Beside her on the bench Armond opened
'The Balm in Gilead' to the bookmark,
took took a deep breath,
And started forward."
- Louise Penny, 'The Long Way Home'
_ _ _
Picture and Poem Copyright, © Jimmiehov 2012 (picture) and 2017(poem), All Rights Reserved
I'm linked with Magaly Guerrero at the Imaginary Garden with Real Toads,
Labels: Flash Writing, Flirty Guy, Personal-Challenge-2017, Poem, Real Toads, Senryū, Tanka
Alas... the object of joy beckon so often so we miss the best of life. Maybe they should message love stickers on Facebook instead,
Jim, this is my favorite by you. I love the gentle tone, the imagery (especially the picture of thoughts being penciled to ears). And yes, I do appreciate the reality of the last stanza.
I enjoyed this, Jim.
That ending was quite unexpected and quirkily endearing. I imagine quite a few people carry on romances via Facebook.
Luv this Jim, contemporary, sincere and fun
Luv the image you teamed up too
Much love...
That photo made me smile. The end: Facebook friends beckoned--I can so relate!
The love story is sweet, then back to "normal?" What a strange world this is. Enjoyed your post very much.
Love the contrast between the dream and reality. Nicely done.
Very enjoyable, and I particularly like, 'Penciled her thoughts on his ear'.
Was it a romance? I thought the man was about to declare his love and then got distracted by Facebook, illustrating the many noble things we might be doing if not distracted by social media.
An old codger from young (growing up, the brothers called me grumpy), I'm kinda down on social media with its distractions and intrusions, along with its pressures to acknowledge others instantly and reciprocate their friendliness. Am I the only old codger out there? Is there some middle point of balance, of compromise?
And social medial all seems so overwhelming. It's like a new age now where we have to learn new laws of social etiquette to accommodate this surge in social media. We have to exercise extreme caution in what and in the amount we share. Sometimes, out of good-natured good will, we can ensnare ourselves and others in sharing too much. What I think is public, my husband considers private, and vice versa. No doubt, navigating social media requires great prudence.
Right on, Susie
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