Saturday, November 21, 2020

a Poem for Sunday Muse -- This Misguided and Misbehaving Lamb


 Image by Justin Dingwall
click HERE for his website.

Mama, there's a lamb on our table 
He's standing there, I can't make him leave 
Be careful my son, it's a lion 
A lion standing, dressed like a sheep 

He's done us dirty, has fooled a lot 
especially children, gullible ones 
In turn he has failed, his trusted ones 
The children said "go", but leave he won't 

We can't make him leave, the owner will 
Courts and militia, will come to aid 
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 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2020, All Rights Reserved 
 - Photo prompt furnished by Carrie Van Horn at the Sunday Muse # 135 web site.  Read others there,

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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

A write, Guest Absent for the Party -- For Weekly Scribblings # 46

Little Joe had to Go; we partied without him; college dropout days

Little Joe was my best buddy then, probably unless I was having a Steady "then".  We cruised Main.  Joe loved to whistle out the window at the girls, some liked that, others didn't.  I was embarrassed when It was my car we were using. 

Little Joe got married and he and new wife were on a honeymoon. Another bachelor buddy bit the dust, we didn't do a bachelor party for him.  "It's never too late to party," especially for Little Joe, we had to party.  The party was at Little Joe's sister's house, he lived with Sis and her Hubby. 

It wasn't out of the ordinary to land someplace after our Main Street cruising was over.  Generally it was after time the girls had to be home or to "Y" if that was their home away from home.  Curfew there was 11 or 12, I can't remember.  I do remember that the dorm mom would lock the door at curfew time.

We had to wait for a weekend when Sis and them were out of town, this weekend they were to her parents' home in Western Nebraska.  We gathered our phono records to use on Joe's player and some food things for refreshments.   

My friend, Other Jim, had sampled some more wine from his uncle where he was staying.  The uncle had two barrels in his basement which we were free to tap.  As I remember none of us were twenty-one yet.  We mixed the wine with 7UP and it would last all night.  

There weren't any girls there, shouldn't have been as this was a Bachelor Party for Joe.  So we talked the night away, until everyone who could was asleep someplace in the basement.  The last record on our stack was "Night Train", very appropriate for our little get-to-gather celebration. 

That was our party for Joe. 

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We had another for a buddy who left for the Army, a Going Away Party.  Only thing, the buddy had already left for basic training.  It was about the same though I think there were some girls there.  And our drinks may have been different. 

I did go to another meeting, a funeral, where the guest was absent, this was years later for a working friend.  (I posted about this one in my comment below.) 

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 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2020, All Rights Reserved 

 - I am linked with Rosemary at the Weekly Scribblings # 46

Rosemary has asked us to write something celebratory, or to tell us about a particular celebration, real or imagined 

 - My first comment I wrote, and told more about the party for the working friend.

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