Friday, March 06, 2015

'Vegies' and 'More' by Toril -- another Challenge poem

Toril and Tully Collaboration "Beety Babies" 24 x 36

and all
Some vegetables I eat 
 Husk shell, eat seed or greens 
Others, the other way
Eat their roots, trash the tops
Life is like that, I know
Values, pride is the guide

The seeds are important 
Offspring their legacy
Some worry where'd they come
Of their roots they are proud

Balanced diet I try
Like my roots, love the seeds

Toril and Tully "Carrot-eristics" -- Tully and Toril Collaboration "Garlicscape"
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Poem Copyright, ©  2015 Jimmiehov, All Rights Reserved
Pictures are of paintings by Toril and Tully that Margaret posted.  Read about Tori here
 Today I am linked with Margaret at the Real Toads,
 Artistic Interpretations with Margaret "-- " Art with Toril
 - From the link above:  "Tori 'currently resides in LaFarge, Wisconsin, and manages a small farm, Second Cloud on the Left Farm, with her husband Drew and her parents. The farm specializes in growing all heirloom, endangered, and rare varieties of produce.'" 
 - Besides these 'tops and root veggies' I like Toril's "The Emperor's New Sweater" (18 x 18) and her "Old Friends" (20 x 20) the best.  See these and more at Margaret's link.

Note:  My 'roots' are European, Manx (Isle of Man), English, German.  My 'seeds' are:  five (5) kids (three sons, two daughters); six (6) grandchildren; and two (2) great-grandchildren with another (1) due in April.

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Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Weird - Tuesday Platform

Lost Puppy;
I might be weird
This puppy is lost, well perhaps I'm not
Often though I feel lost, a little weird
Happy I am but sense cannot be bought
I bark at dogs, quack with ducks, cows have sneered

Some response I always get, never feared
Give me a bone, I'll howl, my neck you scratch
Please someone, take me home before I hatch

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 - Photo and Poem Copyright, ©  2015 Jimmiehov, All Rights Reserved

 - Another Rhyme Royal, Iambic Pentameter, rhyme scheme is a-b-a-b-b-c-c.

 - Today I'm linked with the
Real Toads, The Tuesday Platform: Stay Weird Edition (link)
where Marian told of being or feeling weird according to Graham Moore, when accepting the Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay for The Imitation Game, February 22, 2015. He said this:
 - "I would like for this moment to be for that kid out there who feels like she’s weird or she’s different or she doesn’t fit in anywhere. Yes you do. I promise you do. Stay weird. Stay different, and then when it’s your turn, and you are standing on this stage, please pass the same message along."
 - Marian further said to us, "we have created a safe space for all to share our poems and to feel safe in being exactly who you--WE--are. Fly your freak flag, friends. Pass it on."

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Sunday, March 01, 2015

The Mood - a Challenge Poem

Black Was the Mood

Black was the mood back in '33
Stock market had crashed, Jimmy was born
Share cropper's son, potato's good year
Doctor's bill was paid, Jimmy's then 'free'
Dad had his Ford, Jimmy had grandma
Jimmy rode the package shelf, "ooga"
Mama did washing, Dad washed his Ford

Grandma died, Jimmy crashed

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Photo and Poem Copyright, ©  2015 Jimmiehov, All Rights Reserved

Today I am linked with the following Real Toads in the Imaginary Garden pages, each a challenge
 - FLASH 55 PLUS - a 55 word poem (I included my title words), my 'plus' is to relate to a color, I used "Black"
 - Time (The Revelator) - a tribute to song writer, Gillian Welch, I echoed her song, "Hard Times"
 - The Tuesday Platform - exact link TBD on Tuesday

Song, Hard  Times, written and sung by Gilliam Welch,
Video, from the Peter Bogdonavich film, Paper Moon (1973

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