A Poem for the Weekend Mini-challenge
I love my wife dearly
She doesn't cook me breakfast
My wife doesn't cook
I dearly love my breakfast
My breakfast loves me dearly
I doesn't cook my wife
My cook loves my wife
Me breakfast I dearly doesn't
_ _ _
- Photo and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2019, All Rights Reserved
- I'm linked with Kim Russell in the Imaginary Garden at http://withrealtoads.blogspot.com/2019/11/weekend-mini-challenge-uncertainty-of.html?m=1
- Kim wishes as a Mini-challenge to write patterned on a poem written by a guest lecturer, Wendy Poe, in her class on the uncertainty of a poet. Read it here, http://frombooksofpoems.blogspot.com/2007/03/uncertainty-of-poet-by-wendy-cope.html?m=1 . You will see that I could have shown more mix ups but my story has been told with the four couplets. Plus I'm writing using my smartphone as my laptop has cratered.
- Then too I'm readying for my sabbatical and hadn't planned posting for a few weeks.
Labels: Humor(?), Real Toads, Week-Mini-Challenge