Saturday, October 10, 2015

Deformity Cursed -- A micro poem for you tonight

Something Very Personal

I studied my naval in disbelief
There's no heavenly way this could be mine
Swollen beyond recognition. Can't be

Extended, distended, puckered outward
Yellowed worse than an ash tree in the fall
Red spots scattered indiscriminately

Oh dear, I sense an end to my love life
Would there be such a kind soul having me
How could one love me now? Worse than a wart

Not a nightmare, no.  Deformity cursed

_ _ _ _

Photo and Poem copyright 2015, Ó Jimmiehov.
All rights reserved.

Tonight I am linked to Kerry O'Conner at Up Close & Personal - Micro Poetry

Her challenge was to write an 'up close and personal' poem with only TEN lines, a Decastich.  
Mine is in Sonnetina Uno form:

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Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Another unpromted poem - (Stay) Between the Lines

 Between the Lines

"Jimmy, stay between the lines," she told me
I'll always remember those crushing words
Edict from Hell, it hit me really hard
I was the one who wrote so large, freedom

Freedom like sleeping in the raw, naked
Naked this world I came, naked I'll sleep 
Freedom restrained, of sudden, freedom lost
Teacher from Hell tethered me to those lines

Made it through the school, then was teaching too
That cruel biddy who tamed my wandering hand?
She found religion there, learnt compassion
Itinerant magician saved her soul

It's  begun again, "Stay between the lines."
Driving still, "they" let me keep doing that
Admonishment I hear, from left and right
Though mostly right, "Don't park over the line"

Kind Lord, may the magician come again
And please save their souls, compassion they need
I'll drive till a hundred years I have seen
And may I keep some freedom with my lines
_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Photos and Poem Copyright 2015, Ó Jimmiehov, All Rights Reserved
 [You can click on a picture to view it 'full screen']
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I'm linked today with 

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Monday, October 05, 2015

Destiny, my fate, my fortune ~~ A Flash 55 Poem for you


Good Fortune came my way
Courted her, dined her well
She smiled on me, cash cow

Bright teeth, shining pearls
Little did I know then
Those teeth inside her smile

Better to bite my butt
Kick me hard, I did fall
Fickle woman, my Fate

Promised the Moon I was
selenolatry me,

Lost my all
_ _ _

Poem copyright 2015, Jimmiehov, All rights reserved

Today I am linked with Kerry O'Conner at Flash 55 Plus,

After reading or listening to Carl Orff' O Fortunata, we are to compose a poem of exactly fifty-five words telling what came to mind. I have 55 words including my title.

Carl's composure, translated into English, may be seen here:

Selenolatry:  Moon lover

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