Saturday, March 02, 2019

Going to the Edge of the World -- a Flash Poem

The Temple by Tomasz Zaczeniuk

The edge of civilization
beckons me there I want to go
Like roller skating through a rink
full of Saturday night skaters  

Challenges I like give me thrills 
stimulates adrenaline flow
Faraway places are for me
Bid the monks, priests, and nuns goodbye 
The edge of the Earth calls, danger
and new adventure beckons me 
_ _ _ _

 - A 55 word Flash Writing poem
 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2019, All Rights Reserved
 - Photo is a PrintScreen copied from the link below
 - I'm linked with in the Imaginary Garden at 
  - Kerry asked, "Feel free to pay Tomasz a visit on Instagram or check out his website, FotoWizjer, where more of his amazing pieces are to be viewed, but not used for this prompt."

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Thursday, February 28, 2019

An Outing with Grandma 

At seventeen and a new high school graduate I went to Oregon with my parents and little sister to visit my grandparents.  The second day Grandma took us kids to the beach.  She had gathered a couple of buckets and a spade. We were going clam digging. I had never been to an ocean beach nor seen a clam before.
Grandma spotted many clam holes and we dug into the sand but dig as we could we never found even one clam. 
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A Senyru:

Never saw a clam 
Grandma couldn't find me one 
Now love fried clam rolls 
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And a Haiku:

Seafood wild 
Clams elusive fruits de mer 
Food chain filter feeders
 _ _ _ 

Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2019, All Rights Reserved 
I'm linked with Toni Spencer in the Imaginary Garden at

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