Wednesday, March 01, 2023

Epitaph* - a Senryū Spine Poem for the Friday Writings

"It was a sure thing"***
‘In the face of disaster…**
Sure he could not loose  

Walk Away 

Blue Moon Haven 
The house in the orchard 
Death of a traitor 

“I’m a writer,                  
but then nobody’s perfect.” ***
by Billy Wilder                

**     Prompt phrase by Rosemary Nissen-Wade  (1941[est] - ) (also here)    
***  The funny epitaph of filmmaker Billy Wilder (1906 – 2002) 
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 - Photo and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2023, All Rights Reserved  - Notes:
 - I'm linked with Rosemary for the Prompt phrase at the Friday Writings #66 at  
    a.   A spine poem is a Senryū where each line is a title of a book, as 
         written in it's spine 
    b.  I estimated Rosemary's birth year as she graduated from college 
         with a BA in 1962 
    c.  I checked out "The house in the orchard" as it claims to be 
        "the finest in gothic fiction" and I need examples and more 
         practice in writing gothic poems and fiction (Jim's 

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Monday, February 27, 2023

New Moon not Blue - an Acrostic Write for dVerse Haibun Night

 Hey Diddle Diddle; 
The Cat And The Fiddle 
    Hey, hey, in the sky, there loomed the moon.  The moon was bright that night, a New-moon for our delight.    Who doesn't love to look way up there, thousands of miles away, and see a sight like that.  
    Diddle and piddle, some plod their time away, never looking up into the sky.  They miss the beauty of our universe, especially the visible stars, planets, and our moon.  This New-moon for human consumption by the eye.
    Diddle and diddling tonight, there was to be a special event.  Telescopes were out, binoculars too.  Awaiting an almost miracle event, hinted but not told what it was to be.  Could it be fake news, many speculate.  

    The children with their noses up in the air, scented a special event as well.  Their minds were running wild, how would we know?  Conjuring up answers to this question, some matching science's reports and others letting their minds run wild, they kept on.
    Cat in the alley was up to something.  Had that to do with the speculations?  She meowed nonstop, looking up into the sky.  She wanted to be able to tell, for sure not miss the excitement.
    And then the sky opened up, the clouds went away and all could see.  A gorgeous New-moon was hanging high in the sky.  

    The Ozark Boys and Girls were making music like never before.  Hill Billy music, to tunes all listening would know.  Folks were stomping their feet and clapping their hands.  Dancing was to begin.  Dancing in the halls and in the streets.
    Fiddle de do, the Fiddler did play.  He played his heart out in tribute to the New-moon.  He cried some tears; the listeners were too.  Handkerchiefs if they had, otherwise on their sleeves the tears were wiped away.  

Cats singing low now 
Fiddlers loved their audience 
Trees were clapping leaves 

The Cow Jumped Over The Moon 

    The people were looking up as a never-seen-before event was happening.  The New-moon was smiling, looked ready to applaud.  The Fiddlers stopped for a moment before going wild with those strings.  Never in the Ozarks had the Ozark Boys and Girls seen such a sight. 
    Cow, Farmer Brown's was to be surmised, came flying around but seemed to be headed to the New-moon.  She was, she was!  Flying to the New-moon!  She's on her way! 
    Jumped one big jump then two, up to the New-moon.  Sat on his lap, licked his face.  New-moon just smiled as he ate it all up.  He'd never seen anyone doing that before, nothing like this.  

    Over, she's going over the people below were crying out, "Careful up there."  The cow didn't mind it seemed, perhaps she was ready to go home, home on the other side.  Then it happened, she finished her jumps. 
    The world was going wild, dishes were running away with the spoons; dogs were laughing all over the world and Humpty Dumpty looked as he might fall.  Who would put him back together if he fell?  The other cows even got into the corn, waving The Cow along.  She had jumped over the moon!!  One of their kind over the New-moon.
    Moon soup was the soup of the day, flavored by a few cow hairs.  A Tribute to the Cow jumping over the New Moon. 

Nature clapped to see 
Such a sight never seen before  
Trees closed their green eyes 

My "Moon Jar" made by Mrs.
Garriott, astronaut Owen Garriott's
wife at her pottery shop.  I worked
with Owen some at NASA Houston. 

Note:  The lid's knob is the Earth and the jar body is The Moon.  The jar is about eight inches high.
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 - Haibun Copyright, Jimmiehov 2023, All Rights Reserved 
 - I am linked with   at dVerse Haibun Day
 - Click here to read some of the other's writings 
 - Nursery Rhyme Lyrics: (Wikipedia URL)
        "Hey diddle diddle,
        The cat and the fiddle,
        The cow jumped over the moon;
        The little dog laughed
        To see such sport,
        And the dish ran away with the spoon."

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