One Single Impression: Beginning
Love began in May one bright sunny day
He said and she said and then all quiet
Quiet months worrisome months mother's wait
Come due time God's small miracle to obey
Love stayed on his tiny mouth opens wide
He said and they said hush dear little one
Your belly's full what mother can provide
To nourish you fine animals have died
Love cycle ended parents did their best
He said and she said go do what we've done
Big enough and learned there's no need to guess
Again God's time dear one you leave the nest
Now you have heard love grows in cyclic leaps
Two are joined as one love and parenthood
Small beginnings all preplanned say the least
Instinct God's gift to man and fowl and beast
Top Photo and Poem Copyright
© 2010 Jimmiehov
All Rights Reserved
Eagle Photos courtesy of
webcam Decorah Eagles (sister, Lois, found it for me)
Eagle nest is located at Decorah, Iowa (link)
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Labels: Love Poem, One Single Impression, One-Single-Impression, Poem, Rhyme, Syllabic Form