Thursday, January 16, 2020

A Poem ~~ Mythology Inspired

Rocks and Hard Places

Challenge for us come sail with me

Scylla and Charybdis* await
I'll care for you through travel threats
Hold you tight calm shivers and shakes

Scylla brings hard places in life

Charybdis swirl swallows our love
Though our ship be new and untried
We'll hold tight safely guide her through
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  * Comes the saying, "caught between a rock and a hard place."  Scylla and Charybdis were sailors' fears named, or at least written of, by Homer in his Oddessy works.  Scylla referred to a sea monster living in the rocky Italian shore and Charybdis was in a huge vortex swirling near Sicily.   It was either attempt sailing between these threats or going around the large island, Sicily,  in the treacherous open seas.  (Reference Wikipedia,  linked here

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 - Photos and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2020, All Rights Reserved
 - I am linked with Rommy at