Sunday Muse -- Two loves at first sight
I was tooling along
With my Mustang top down
Came up on Chrysler old
Puddling along so slow
Looking down to my left
"No Passing" from the sign
That evening at the ball
Minding my own business
Came upon chick so nice
Smiled at me, I'd been had
Wasn't looking for her
Nor for anyone else
The car pulled in for gas
Mustang needed some too
Chrysler wasn't so bad
Looked better at twelve feet
Hadn't looked for a car
Nor for anything else
Met again at the drinks
Iced lemon tea was had
Talked the rest of the night
We danced a little too
"See you tomorrow's" said,
little Mustang'd away
The Chrysler was there when
I got to my motel
Six hundred bucks she's yours
Deal was made, called my friend
She was ready to ride
The faithful Mustang cried
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- Poem and Mustang Photo Copyright, Jimmiehov 2021 and 2016, All Rights Reserved (I still own this Mustang, bought it used for a retirement present to me) ,
- I am linked with Carrie Van Horn for the Chrysler photo prompt at The Sunday Muse #176,
Labels: Cars, Fiction, Love Story, Mustang, Story, Story Poem, Sunday Muse