A Poem for Saturday -- two Senyru and a Tanka
Sure, it's not "Fake News";
but "unreliable narrators"
Read it on Google
Nasty comet is coming
Oops I meant comment
From the jockey's mouth
Pick my Jersey Lass to win
Odds are one to ten
Fox or CNN
(Reader fill in this line)
We tried to contact
And when there is no response
Be assured it's not Fake News
_ _ _
- Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2019, All Rights Reserved
- I am linked with Bjorn in the Imaginary Garden at https://withrealtoads.blogspot.com/2019/08/the-unreliable-narrator.html?showComment=1567273446213&m=1#c8881643280002019738
- Bjorn asked for tales told by unreliable narrators and yet they be tripped up. His final instruction words were, "A poem is not a novel, so I am very curious how you will meet this challenge in a fairly short poem." I have a short 51 words, three short poems in one.
Labels: Flash Writing, Humor, Poem, Real Toads, Senryū