Saturday, October 27, 2018

Where I am ~~ Saturday Poem

  Count the keys on this LARGE PRINT typewriter pictured above.
Please also note that it is a manual and not electric.

Where am I

Like a celebrity I've been asked to tell
where and what I do when I write
So tell you what, it isn't always easy

Its mostly where I be or there at the
breakfast room table. Lots of variations
and iterations to tell here.

This I'm wriing sitting in my recliner
Also watching. Houston my alma mater on TV
They're playing football, slightly ahead

Yesterday I wrote at midnight on the edge of
my bed. TV was on with "Murder she wrote"
Come morning I prettied it up at the table

Other times I just post what I wrote then
and there, at church, riding in the car, or
out on the porch. Later pretty plus picture

Not real exciting or emotional here, just it
Let you know how my team does, still ahead
_ _ _ _

 - Photo and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2012 (link) and 2018, All Rights Reserved
 - I'm linked with Toni Spencer in the Imaginary Garden at

Friday, October 26, 2018

A scary (??) Poem for Friday

To the man in my garage

Dear man in my garage,
You scared the Bejesus
Right out of me

The first time I noticed
Hardly did I give
it a second thought
Come morning though the light
was on, I thought it me and
had left it on night before

But then I wondered if
You'd sneaked in during the day
when I'd left the door open
And I worried a bit
so left kitchen door locked

The second day the light
was on for no reason
During the day I heard
noises from the garage
I dared not go there
I didn't tell a soul

Dear man in my garage
Why did you come
Did you mean to scare me so
You scared the Bejesus
Right out of me

Raining and cold
I don't blame you one bit
But why'd you stay
Warmer in there but
not one bite to eat or drink

Again the third day
Come morning the light was on
I'd checked it the night before
Had it with you
But didn't tell a soul

About two I went around
to the front, quietly opened
the door and then ran
Like Hell back in the house
'Cause I had the Bejesus
scared out of me

Dear man in the garage
I hoped and prayed all day
That you'd take the hint
and run far away
And if you went you'd go to stay

That night I shut the door
made sure the light was off
And prayed again that you'd gone
Come morning when I checked
the light out there was off

Now man in my garage,
please don't come back any more
For sure you scared the Bejesus
Right out of me

Still haven't told a soul 
 _ _ _ _ 

Hit the road Jack (lyrics)
_ _ _ _

 - Photo and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2018, All Rights Reserved
 - I'm linked with Isadora Gruye in the Imaginary Garden at
 - Bejesus:  definition (2nd), "—used as a noun for emphasis scares the bejesus out of me. Merriam-Webster (Google Search)

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