Friday, September 16, 2016

be a Sassy Lady ~~ a Poem about death

Death be a Lady

I'll take Lady Death any day
over Grim Reaper with his scythe
Cross my fingers, say a prayer

Some say she'd come with chocolates
And maybe a bottle of wine
nestled in her wicker basket

One of these days my junk
will be piled high on the street
Ms. or Mr. Death will have come

There's no taking back for sure
I count down to that day
Not up for a visit delay
_ _ _ _
Poem copyright , 2016 Jimmiehov, All rights reserved
Picture, Sassy Lady Death, from Susie Clevenger's post,

Since this, my second poem about "If death were a woman, was posted late I am also linking it with the Real Toads, Tuesday Platform this week
I'm linked with Susie at The Imaginary Garden with Real Toads,
Bits Of inspiration ~ If Death Were A Woman (linked here and above)

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Thursday, September 15, 2016

Adi is gone ~~ a "We miss her" poem (reconstructed)

Of the day Adi died

Close the door, you're letting the air conditioning out
I need someone to talk to. With if you see fit so to do
I've been thinking of Adi dear dog, how she died.  Final day
Adi, love of my life, had been having seizures really bad

When in one she'd become incontinent poor soul laying there
She scared the bejesus out of us, thinking this time she's dead
But in a little while she'd get back up not knowing what went
We took her to her doctor that day, would be her final one

Her vet gave us some choices, take her home, let her die there
Put her in the doggie hospital, then to a nursing home
Our other choice, put her to sleep so deep she would never wake
We chose the latter.  The vet said she'd be back when we're ready

The vet returned, two needles in her hand. First would calm our dog
I held her paw, stroked her neck. She lay there, so trusting was she
Tears were in her eyes, the other needle came.  She'd like to stay
Our eyes were teary too, even the vet's, friends saying goodbye

Friends we were, us for seventeen years, the vet for several 
Adi and I were partners, registered pet therapy pair
Her friends at the home would miss furry friend, their dogs never came
But I would miss her most, I loved her most, my eyes tearing now

There on the doggie table Adi said her goodbyes, I saw
Holding her paw, feeling it quiver, then her eyes said it all
Through her tears she whimpered, "I love you guys." I hugged her then, the last time
"I'm going to God's Doggie Heaven, I'll see you when you come."

Adi died September 12, 2012 -- I miss her so very much, still today
_ _ _ _

Photo and Poem copyright, 2008, 2009 and 2016(Poem) Jimmiehov, All rights reserved
Photos copied from 2014 post which used 2008 photos,
These and more Adi posts on this blog.
 _ _ _ _

I'm linked with 

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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

9/11 remembered ~~ Poem for Tuesday Platform

Killed by Cowards

Firefighter, Police officer,
Salesperson, Customer, Poet, 
Trespasser,  Food handler, Mother,
Letter Carrier, Father, Host,
Who's forgotten?  All lives matter
Different times and places, global

Their lives mattered, were persons gone
Gone to another life, dead, killed
Killed by cowards who in silence 
Sprung their traps open, different ways
Killed by fire and destruction, all
Global, must be stopped, end it now 

Cowards festering hate killing
In name a god, a cause, not known
_ _ _ _

Poem copyright , 2016 Jimmiehov, All rights reserved
Pictures from Wikipedia "Terrorism" article, (link)
Wikipedia pictures slide show (link) 
I'm linked withat the Imaginary Garden with Real Toads, Tuesday Platform

In honor of 9/11, Kerry brought this poem, And Death Shall Have No Dominion - Poem by Dylan Thomas

[click on a picture for better sized viewing, maybe two clicks, see]

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Sunday, September 11, 2016

Spirits, hobs, nymphs, sylphs ~~ a Poem, mixed and matched and melded

(Thinking of the night just ended, futile
  Futility, chasing demons away) 

Spirits, troubled, 

Spirits, troubled, live in the tree 
Dead tree, home for hobs and sylphs 
The nymps emerge, happy they dance 
While the spirits broil in the tree 

Nymph mother and spirit father 
Hollowed this tree hallowed it be 
The sylps renew and cleanse by night 
While the hobs roam spreading doom 

Spirit father, nymph mother, they 
Meld, mold them by pairs, life goes on 
- - - -
Poem copyright , 2016 Jimmiehov, All rights reserved

I'm linked with Brendan at the Imaginary Garden with Real Toads, Sunday Mini-challenge:  Charms

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