Saturday, April 06, 2024

NaPoWriMo Day Six

Me, Jim, standing beside an old 1941 Ford Pickup 
    in the Canadian Yukon Provence.

   Understanding My Grandfather 

I loved my grandfather 
Back when I was young 
Eight years old maybe younger 
I felt he loved me the most of us nine 

Some others may have felt the same
Grandpa and I used to ride together 
Together in his new truck 
A 1940 Ford pickup 

We'd ride with his stud horse in back 
Grandpa and the horse 
They'd leave me in the truck 
Those two walked, went visiting 

Visited other farmers 
Visited them and their horses 
I didn't know what they were saying 
They seemed to enjoy their visit 

Grandfather cussed a lot 
Rough, but I never heard him take 
Take the Lord's name in vein 
He chewed tobacco 

Grandpa had a spittoon 
A short coffee can in a tin ring 
The ring bolted to the hump 
He'd spit out the window too 

One day I'll never forget 
We three rolled to a stop sign 
Twas down by the railroad track 
He said something might shock 

"Stop" he said, "S T O P " he spelled 
Now the shock, "Stop Take Off Panties" 
I never could figure what he meant 
To this day I still wonder 
_ _ _ 

 - Photo and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2024, All Rights Reserved 
 - Photo taken by me in Yukon Territory  Canada first posted 2003 
 - I am linked with NaPoWriMo Day Six 

Friday, April 05, 2024

What Can Plants Do? -- for Friday Writings #121 and for NaPoWriMo Day Five

A Plant Race

“Youth is the gift of nature, 
but age is a work of art.” 
said Stanislaw Jerzy Lec 

Saying can't apply to plants 
I'm showing you how right now 
To my backyard flowerings 

First, the youth hasn't a chance 
Gardener sprays with weeds 
Baby days they wilt and die 

Most of the rest try real hard 
Try really hard to bloom first 
Two left to race to the end 

After the freezes red roses 
bloomed few weeks after the freeze 
Oleanders not 'til months 

Race is on, what is there left 
Only the two are left that count 
Canna Lily and Irises 

Canna Lily won, two weeks 
Despite being cut to ground 
And rabbits chewing their ears 

Irises lived through the cold 
Alive and green they grew tall 
Second place and settle for pretties 

For writing age counts for naught 
The Irises were some from 
the landscape of former house 
Built 26 years ago    

_ _ _ 

 - Photos and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2024, All Rights Reserved 
 - I am linked with Magaly, host of Friday Writings # 121 at 
 - Magaly has invited "us to write poetry or prose inspired by the following quote: 'Youth is the gift of nature, but age is a work of art.' ~ Stanislaw Jerzy Lec" -- I used this saying for my first line  

 - The poem is also for NaPoWriMo Day 5 (National Poem Writing Month).  It seems with many other duties also, this year I will not be writing for every day of the month.  
 - NaPoWriMo is here,
 - NaPoWriMo Day Five is here,

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Thursday, April 04, 2024

a Poem -- for dVerse SMB and for NaPoWriMo Day Four

["Fu Bao in quarantine ", In China, born in 2020, 
just came from lease at South Korea]

   Liar, liar; 
   written for National "Tell a Lie Day"

I never tell a lie 
Lies are wrong, crooks, the like 
Although they can be told 
Have to be very bold 

Tell when they mean no harm 
Not like you've sold the farm 
Meant to help all for you 
Natural thing to do 

I'm sorry taken wrong 
Not like you've bought a thong 
  _ _ _ 

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2024, All Rights Reserved 
 - Photo My Copy from Wall Street Journal April 5, 2024, page one 
 - I am linked with Larua Bloombury at dVerse SMB
   where she asked us to write a Palinode (poem) 
 - Click here to read others' Palinodes, most also an experiment 
 - Also written for NaPoWriM0 Day Four, 

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Wednesday, April 03, 2024

a Poem for NaPoWri Day three

   The New Lawyer

"New lawyer" left his job 
Twas Senior Aerospace 
Engineer at NASA 

Got a Professor job 
Teaching college students 
Business Law One and Two 

He would be Doctor now
Doctor Jim his title 
_ _ _ 

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2024, All Rights Reserved 
 - I am linked with NaPoWriMo Day Three
 - Inspiration from a Frank K prose piece, "The New Lawyer", 
 - This is me, Doctor Jim Retired.    Being retired from the teaching job I can keep that title. Regular attorneys have the Juris Doctorate but can't use the Doctor title.
    I also taught a Small Business Management course and sometimes an Introduction to Business class. 

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Tuesday, April 02, 2024

April -- NaPoWriMo 2024 Day 2

 Mother's love 

A mother loves her son 
With depth unknown by dads 
She's standing behind him 
Hiding in her apron 
When dad begins to growl 

There is nothing like it  
Except tens of millions 
Of world's other mothers 
He sits by her when small 
There forever till death 

And when she dies, you'll say 
"I've always had a mom 
But now she's gone and I 
haven't a mom anymore" 
_ _ _ 

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2024, All Rights Reserved 
 - I'm linked with NaPoWriMo 2024 Day 2 (URL)

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Monday, April 01, 2024

- - a Poem for dVerse Quadrille #198 and NaPoWri Day 1

[Farm contoured, Bing search, (URL)]

  Contour Farming 

Down hills rains eroding 

Solve, County Agent comes

Nodding heads did agree

Surveyors measuring

Hills left with bright markers

Following them Dad plowed

Plowed more—Terraces made

Corn, Alfalfa between

Corn for feeding beef cows

With hay for winter meals

Erosion stopped, soil enriched 

_ _ _

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2024, All Rights Reserved 

 - Photo, Bing Search, "Contour Farming" (URL

 - I am linked with Lisa for dVerse at 

where her instructions were to "Pen us a poem of precisely 44 words (not counting the title), including some form of the word contour." 

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2024, All Rights Reserved 

 - I'm linked with NaPoWriMo 2024 Day 1 (URL)

 - Click here to read the other writers works 


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