Friday, September 06, 2019

A 55 Word Flash Poem

The Seamstress

She's the seamstress
for our small town
She works so hard
during the day
Her seams are straight
with knots so tight

The sewing part
there's no complaints
Her work is fine
but stress she has
Her stress relief
the folks complain

A tavern hit
She has become
Her play at night
You go figure
 _ _ _

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2019, All Rights Reserved
 - I'm linked with Kerry O'Connor in the Imaginary Garden at

 - This is a 55 Word Flash Poem, not counting the title, honoring the Toad's prompt, "The Seamstress." You can check this and find links to others who wrote at the link above.

Wednesday, September 04, 2019

A Poem for International Literacy Day

International Literacy Day is 8 September 8th.  Media: Djibril Kebe, UNESCO Media Section,

Do you remember when
when you learned to read
Do you remember when
when did you have
a book of your own
or was it one
that Grandma owned
What were the tools for that
helped you to learn

Try to remember when
When how and what
Tell me yours and
I'll tell you mine

Somewhere in my line of books
came Three Billy Goats Gruff
my mother would
read it to me
My favorite part
was when The Troll
would boldly come out
from under the bridge
Scared the pants off
the boys and the girls 
But not our Goat 

After that part reading
might would end
Sleep play or do chores
would be next

I know there were others before
or to come after like your true love
Love those books I did
though fickle some--Shirley Temple
reigned supreme for a year or two
(I kept my Shirely Temple scrapbook)

Somewhere in line came school
Try to remember yours
I dont remember my first day 
Nor do I remember learning ABC's
Mom probably taught at home, I hope

Next in my memory line was learn
to read about Dick and Jane

See Dick 
See Dick run 
See Dick and Jane run"

Followed by Sambo Geography History
Literature Math Biology Chemistry
Algebra thru and beyond Calculus
and a whole lot more
I had gotten too tired to tell 
we all are bored with even these

In high school I would go to
the Library in Study Hall time
There inside my text was
my Zane Grey paperback novel

Got yours all thought up now?
It's your time to tell

International Literacy Day
is this Sunday
Say a prayer
We should think of and for them
those learning to read or
those who should be but can't 
Perhaps though late they will

UNESCO is leading the way
our local libraries follow 
Visit soon 
Check out a book or two 

Donations appreciated as well
_ _ _

- Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2019, All Rights Reserved
- I'm linked with Susan who is leading Poets United Midweek Motiff --Literacy at
 - GO there. READ about Literacy Day and find other poems to read at the link above.  TELL ME in my comments here and OTHERS where you TELL.
 - I am also linked with Sherry Blue Sky who is hosting this week's Poetry Pantry with Poets United at

 - "Three Billy Goats Gruff" is a Norwegian fairy tale collected by Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe in their Norske Folkeeventyr, first published between 1841 and 1844. It has an "eat-me-when-I'm-fatter" plot.Wikipedia

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Monday, September 02, 2019

A Story Poem for Monday

Ruins of a castle, 
the ghosts of times long past 

They'll haunt you going in 
their ancestors will growl 

And it'll be sad there 
You'll wish you hadn't gone 

I was in there one time  
sickened by what I found 

Mummified in his chair 
Uncle Nick bound in chains 
Jailed man picture: Nicolas Fouquet and replica prison cell in the
Vaux-le-Vicomte Castle cellar.  (click on picture to enlarge) 
My photo, 2009.  Read about it,

 _ _ _ _ 

- Photo and Poem Copyright,  Jimmiehov 2011 and 2019, All Rights Reserved 
 - I am linked with Sherry Blue Sky in the Imaginary Garden at

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Sunday, September 01, 2019

A Gothic Fiction Short Story for the Prose Pantry

Why was this lake house cottage renting for so cheap

We all loved the little cottage by the lake. And we got it so cheap, the Landlord has ducked my question why such a bargain. A bit of worry, he responded, "the basement's wet, don't go down there." 
We fed the kids hot dogs that night. The neighbor girl, Neiva, and our daughter, Cloie, turned in early for their first night. We all follow after the News.

But I can't sleep, I'd heard a noise a bit earlier. Maybe. But it stopped soon and I didn't go down until now.

Nothing down here, all like we left it. I put my ear to the basement door and hear swishing there. I easily jimmy the lock, open the door slowly and turn on the light.

I see the curtains waving, someone or somebody had just left through the window. Worse though are the bodies floating in waist deep water. Kids, all kids and teen girls.

Closer I look. There was one lady, half naked with her arms torn off. Then I see her face, bloody and scratched, it was my wife.

Call the sheriff, call the sheriff!!! My cell phone had no coverage.

Just then I see the landlord coming through the basement door. With a hand half covering his eyes he comes toward me. But something is wrong, he looks more like a bear than a man.

His front two teeth are six inches long. But sickening to me those teeth are holding the teens, Cloie and Neiva. They are limp and crying.

With strength I never knew I had I grab him by the throat and hold tight until he collapses.

Neiva ran upstairs to call the sheriff, Cloie was still crying, and I puke. 

Now I know why the low priced rent.
 _ _ _ _

 - Prose Story Copyright, Jimmiehov 2019, All Rights Reserved
 - I am linked with Magaly Guerrero in the Pantry of Prose at

 - Magaly wants us to write a Gothic Fiction Short Story having 313 words or less.  Mine with the title has 304 words. What is Gothic Fiction?  Read around my Google Search, click here.

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