What makes the wind blow
What do you think makes the wind blow
I'm not worrying about that,
I don't even know what makes wind
Well smarty pants even fools know,
God in his Glory made the wind
Smarty pants you, why does it stop,
you think God makes it start each time
Course not, He made it self starting
Well maybe that's the way all is
and I can buy that, He's real smart
I dare say that we've solved the problems
of the world, now what's there to eat
_ _ _ _ _
- Photo and Poem Copyright, © 2018 Jimmiehov, All Rights Reserved
- I'm linked with Karin, aka Outlawyer of the Real Toads at http://withrealtoads.blogspot.com/2018/06/what-the.html (read more there at this link)Labels: Children, Personal-Challenge-2018, Poem, Real Toads