Friday, November 26, 2021

Friday Writings - Pain is . . .



Edith was a girl we all liked 

She has loved chocolate all her life 

A girl who didn't hesitate 

Who always your last bite she ate 

Edith was a girl all were proud 

Mom Dad most,  Grandparents count 

She didn't cuss or kiss the boys 

And helped the little kids play toys 

That was Edith we remember 

To college she went, goodbye her 

Pleasant and eager the school's gain 

Sadly our loss has been our pain 

 - - - 

Pains in your life can come and go and some are here to stay.  They seem to vary in intensity with age, cause and treatment. 

Let me tell you of one of the pains in my life.  After your read you may have guessed more but I think not. 

     An Acrostic:  


P ain in the butt 

A lways it hurts 

I s hard to soothe 

N ever pleasant 

I 'm embarrassed 

N o way I tell 

T elling's stupid 

H ere's to silence 

E ver a day 

B ackside is red 

U nder side too 

T elltale bruises 

T hat kick did leave 

 - - - 

When I was around twelve years old a work horse of Dad's kicked me in the back.  Doctor L. made a house call and had me lay on my stomach for a week.  It was terrible pain. 

 - - - 

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2021, All Rights Reserved 

 - Suggested prompt by Magaly of the Friday Writings team, 

 - Magaly would like us to write poetry or prose that explores pain. 

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