Tuesday, December 01, 2020

A Blursday Poem for Weekly Scriblings -- Every day is Blursday

   [click photo for larger]
(My Day today 'virtually')
(59F and Raining at 5AM) 
(I'll be hanging out at the 
Blue Dot--another long Day)

Days of the Week;
 my how we change (not)

Every day is Blursday 
For nineteen years 
I've been 
calling them Saturday 
Except for Sundays 

Nineteen years and three months
I retired from twenty-two years 
of teaching 
Since for all that time I've been
thinking of them as Saturdays 
I have to mark the calendar
like a prisoner does
to keep the days straight 

But now the COVID has come
along.  A thief in the night 
It kills and maims, you name  

So we all hide 
Hide when we've nothing pressing 
hiding in our homes 
hiding our faces when we're out 
trying to keep the monster Corona virus 
from spreading  
Worse than all Saturdays is this 
new Blursday  

A writer's note:
Before teaching my working life had started:
1) three years - factory work 
2) five years - U.S. Army
3) nineteen - Aerospace Engineer at  NASA. 
(I finished college part time, eleven years, three degrees, while at NASA)
 _ _ _ _ 

 - Prose Poem and top Photo Copyright, Jimmiehov 2020, All Rights Reserved 
 - I am linked with Magaly Guerrero* for her neat prompt and bottom picture at Weekday Scribblings # 48 https://poetsandstorytellersunited.blogspot.com/2020/12/weekly-scribblings-48-words-of.html?m=1
 - I chose 2. Blursday, see note below, as a prompt word/idea for this writing
  - NOTE:  **Magaly "invite(d) us to write new poetry or prose where the central theme revolves around one or more of the following five words:  
 1. Allyship (n. active support for the rights of a minority or marginalized group without being a member of it),  
2. Blursday  (n. a day of the week that is indistinguishable from any other),  
3. Covidiot (n. a person who disobeys guidelines designed to prevent the spread of Covid-19),  
4. Doomscrolling (n. the action of compulsively scrolling through social media or news feeds which relate bad news),  
5. Virtue-signalling (n.  the public expression of opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one’s good character or the moral correctness of one’s position on a particular issue)." 
 - The list of her new "words' grew lomger overnight, see them all at the link above 

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