Needs be, before I die? -- Poem for Friday Writings
This KP, my youngest grandchild at age seven, she'll be fourteen this July Picture Copyright 2016, Jimmiehov, All Rights Reserved |
Labels: Friday Writings, Jim's Life, Poem, Syllabic Form
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This KP, my youngest grandchild at age seven, she'll be fourteen this July Picture Copyright 2016, Jimmiehov, All Rights Reserved |
Labels: Friday Writings, Jim's Life, Poem, Syllabic Form
posted by Jim @ 6/09/2023 03:49:00 AM
. . .
"An early moon is just a piece of change in the softening sky." ** Standing on the bridge squinting my eyes in the waning light I could see into the trees.
There a little brown monkey just weaned from his mother, a beggar bedded down for the night, and swarms of mosquitoes who greeted me. They invited me into their little forest, I willingly went.
Quite an adventure for me, my eyes gradually adapted to the dim. The monkey had playthings scattered beyond his rug, the beggar was swigging a bottle of cheap gin, and none of those mosquitoes would bite.
** first line by James Masao Mitsui, “Spring Poem for the Sake of Breathing, Written After a Walk to Foster Island” for full Poem, click here
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- Photo and Prose piece Copyright, Jimmiehov 2023, All Rights Reserved (The bridge was a part of my friend, John's, five-acre yard. We often had car club meetings at his home. John died a few years ago.
- I am linked with Merril D Smith for the Prosery Prompt Line which I used as the opening line here. To read about the line's heritage and to see the requirements for the Prosery writing tonight (one is not more than 144 words, I have exactly 144 not including the title), go here,
- Click here to read others writer's Prosery piece
Labels: dVerse prompt, Fiction, Moon, Moonlight Musings, Prose, Prosery, Story
posted by Jim @ 6/05/2023 09:52:00 PM
You will have to make up your own mind. Just read here first, then visit my blogs and Jim1Jim1 YouTube to figure me out. (Some blogs are unlisted but are accessible if you can find them.)