College physics
College physics was old fashioned,
Waves were not particles back then
Electricity was DC
or AC. And magnetism
Dropped the course before it was reached
Finding the charge on a plate, huh?
But it is possible that math
likes to treat waves that way
The math works but you'll never
Even one electron from the
radio wave coming at you
Don't let them tell you otherwise
Radio waves particles not
They will go through a pane of glass
But never a copper bucket
Magnetism particles not
Industry today demands, more
than ever, a man with a good
mathematical foundation
Ladies on magazine covers **
2) ** Please note the top pictures. Left, Popular Electronics had a lady on most every cover. And right, is the ad from Canadian Institute of Science and Technology Limited in Washington, D.C.
3) I have been an Amateur Radio Operator, i.e. a Ham Radio person, since 1960 In 1961 I was issued the call sign, K1TLT, but had to give it up when I moved to Texas. Later I was able to retrieve my old call sign, K1TLT. My license is Amateur Radio Extra Class, the highest skill level issued by the FCC.
[you can click on most any picture once, sometimes twice for larger size viewing]
Labels: Jim Does, NaPoWriMo 2017, Poem, Real Toads, Syllabic Form