Thursday, October 12, 2023

I Have This fear -- a poem now for Friday Writings

This photo and poem in 2016, February 8, was formerly posted by me, at 

[click on photo for larger sized viewing]

I Have This Fear

I have this fear, haunts me
like a recurring dream
Though no demons visit
still it comes from within

Fear doesn't go away
It stays and warms, I glow
Started, then I ignite
Spontaneous, combust

I fear spontaneous
combustion, evil death
'Twill be the end of me
I'm ashes in my mind
_ _ _ _

 - Photo and poem copyright , 2016 Jimmiehov, All rights reserved, then for the Real Toads, 
 - I am linked today with Magaly for her inspiration attempts, at Friday Writings #98
 - Magaly is back she is asking us to be inspired by one (or more) of the four classical elements: earth, air, fire, and water.
 - I was amazed to read so many poems that I had written using "fire" in their composition or for inspiration.  Read some here, 

 - I am linked back in 2016 with Izadore Guyre in the Imaginary Garden with Real Toads, Out of Standard - Fire from a Different Sun.

  - The photo was taken by my son, Tim, who, as a Boatman, had just untied this ship from the dock five minutes before.  The ship, leaving the Houston Ship Channel with its cargo, struck an obstruction in the water, leaking gallons and gallons of flammable liquid.  Some how the liquid floating on top of the water caught fire.  Causes and damages are still under investigation.  No life was lost.
 - Spontaneous Combustion is the burning of a human for no apparent reason.  This was common in 18th and 19th Century literature (a list of some).   I have read Dickens' Bleak House and also some references from Twain. (more information than you probably want to know there).

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