Friday, November 10, 2023

A New Home -- a Poem for Friday Writings


    Going Home 

We're going home today 
Luxurious manor 
Patiently yearningly 
Dreamingly going now 

Specially-designed craft 
Happily we're boarded 
Anticipating pair 
Orphans we always thought 

Lush tender green young stocks 
Lush green, pasture-like fields 
Bambo shoots leaves and stalks
Heavenly-like yumminess 

Mysterious China 
Unseen new home awaits 
 _ _ _ 

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2023, All Rights Reserved 
 - I am linked with Rosemary who gave us license to use abundantly modifier words today at Friday Writings #102, 
 - Notes:  
 - 1. China has loaned some near extinct giant pandas to the US and various other countries. They have propagated well, the project was a sucess.  The agreements are expiring and the pandas must be returned. The Washington D.C.'s three left for China this Wednesday , November 9.  Only three others in Memphis, Tennessee, remain, scheduled to leave next year.  [Click here to read more]
 - 2. Right after my retirement (2001) during our three week visit to China we visited Chengdu to see the Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries [China, Moscow, and the Panama Canal travel items were on my bucket list-you can search my blog for our 2006 Moscow to St. Petersburg River Cruise via Viking Cruises glimpses here]

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Monday, November 06, 2023

Snowy Release -- a Prose Poem for dVerse Prosery

     Packing Snow 

‘Snow would be the easy way out’ .  Those words would be her rescue road.  Locked in here like a caged lion  

Mountainside lodge snow piling in. Snowman packed would it hold her up?   Up to windows high break the glass 

Then freedom at last!  
 _ _ _  

 -   Prose Poem Copyright 2023, by Jimmiehov, All Rights Reserved 
  - I'm linked with    at dVerse Prosery 
   Where Kim's prompt words for us to use is my first line, ‘Snow would be the easy way out’.  We were to limit ourselves to writing with no more than 144 words including the seven she gave us. I used 44.
 - Click here to read some of the other writers using these words

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