A Poem - My true fear
Deadly Fear
I don't fear death
"O Death, where is thy sting"
But I do fear
choking to my demise
Few times I've choked
embarrassing it is
Folk come running
to pat you on your back
That I don't like
it doesn't help one bit
Heimlich may help
that's not what here I fear
Rather in sleep
choking on my own spit
That might happen
when laying on my back
So evermore
I will sleep on my side
But could this be
a latent phobia
_ _ _
- Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2019, All Rights Reserved
- I'm linked with Bjorn in the Imaginary Garden at http://withrealtoads.blogspot.com/2019/06/chernobyl-and-our-fears.html?m=1
- A phobia? Won't know in my lifetime.
Labels: Eulogy, Poem, Story Poem