Saturday, April 18, 2020

Day 18 of NaplPoWriMo 2020 -- a Tribute Poem for Jack Kerouac

[photo from 
Fireblossom below]

( background material, )

The rich die old ------
Poor die by the curb
  whiskey bottle in hand

The rich die old ------
Poor die in distant land,
  ditches of war

The rich die in mansions ------
Poor die in East End
  slum apartment

The rich have fun in clubs ------
Poor write poetry and books
  Greenwich Village coffee houses

The rich have Fine Families ------
Poor like their "beat"*

Jack Kerouac was not rich, he lived and cherished the "beat", Jack Kerouac was a writer who died young ------ 
Age 47 ------ 
he was called in 69*** 

The rich are born with 'Silver Spoon' ------ 
Kerouac became famous when his book, "The Road" got notice.  Jack had lived and traveled between New York City and San Francisco until then, after he moved to Florida.

He called himself by his "own ------ 
statement of his name as 
  Jean-Louis Lebris de Kerouac" **** 

* "Beat" -- fellow novelist Herbert Huncke. Huncke used the term "beat" to describe a person with little money and few prospects 
Also  his writing style was noted for his use of the long dash to separate lines of different or agreeing thought.  I tried using them here.

** Wikipedia 

*** In 1969 I became single again.  I kept my Aerospace Engineer job at NASA and my studies evenings at the University of Houston.   My off times I lived a semi-Keroac single life. Mrs. Jim rescued me in 1973, we have stuck 47 years. (Writer's note)

**** Wikipedia
 _ _ _

- Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2020, All Rights Reserved 
 - Photo, copied from the Sunday Muse linked below.  Other from Wikipedia link above. 
 - I am linked with Fireblossom at the Sunday Muse, 
 - I'm also linked with Kerry O'Connor in the Imaginary iijGarden at
 - And linked with NaPoWriMo Day 18 at

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Thursday, April 16, 2020

Day 16 of NaplPoWriMo 2020 -- When You Get Old

They'll Clip Your Wings 

When you are old they'll clip your wings 
Take your license so you can't fly 
Hide your car keys so you can't drive 
Put you in a home keep you there 

Do things you want and can afford 
Fly  while you can soar with the best 
Drive where you want still while you can 
When they put you on the shelf, done 

Then it's over can't fly no more 
You'll contemplate what you can do 
More so over what you have done 
Your love life your kids where you've been 

For on that shelf there is no more 
Memories you'll savor can't plan more 
They've taken your keys clipped your wings 
Doors are shut at night on  your shelf 

Maybe then you can write your poem  

Well anyway, my 1950 Ford being hauled away.  I sold it.
The story,
 _ _ _ _ 

 - Poem and Photos Copyright, Jimmiehov 2020
 - I am linked with Kerry O'Connor in the Imaginary Garden at from where I was led to a former Day 16 prompt for 2016 on broken statues by Karin, aka Outlawyer, at
 - I am also linked to NaPoWriMo Day 16 at

 - The Eagle?  In the middle of the night the bookshelf above it crashed down and broke both wings.  It now sits in the pantry on a shelf.

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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Day 15 of NaplPoWriMo 2020 -- a Tribute Poem

Spencer's Folly; 
a Tribute to 
Diana Spencer, 
Princess of Wales 

Shrine built for daughter 
  Now deceased 
Apple family eye 
  Still cherished 
Estate garden is 
  where she rests 
On the island there 
  in the lake 

Died too soon, we came 
   and we saw 
Beautiful tribute 
   Nations' love 
 _ _ _

  - Poem and Photos Copyright,  2020, All Rights Reserved
 - I am linked with Kerry O'Connor in the Imaginary Garden at

 where I chose the prompt for today, "Folly", with a second, not well known  meaning.  Go here to read Hedgewitch's clear explanation.  I've copied a summary paragraph plus and posted it in the photo on the right.  CLICK IT FOR LARGER SIZED.  . - We visited the Spencer Mansion and Grounds in 2008 amongst many other U.K. visits back then.  I believe you might also.    - I am also linked with NaPoWriMo Day 15 at  but chose not to use their musical prompt.

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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Day 14 of NaplPoWriMo 2020 -- an Apology-not Poem

[Dad, Uncles, Grandpa, and Grandma]

A Non-apology;
  for things you’ve ...

Have you ever stolen something?
Doesn't take much thinking, does it?
Right away your conscience will tell

Was there a pack of cigarettes
When you were a bit young to buy
Stole them from your grandfathers car

I've thought about that now and then
Well I did that and glad I did
Now that he's dead and gone who cares
 _ _ _

 - Poem and Photo Copyright, Jimmiehov 2020, All Rights Reserved 
 - I am linked with Kerry O'Connor in the Imaginary Garden at 
 - I'm also linked with NaPoWriMo Day 14 at where the theme was inspiration of someone in the past.  My Grandfather was always making rhymes at the stop signs in our multiple car rides we had.  Guess inherited rather than inspired should be my word.  Plus Grandmother was a school teacher before they married.  I've taught all my life, even as an Aerospace Engineer.
 - Day 13, at NaPoWriMo was the inspiration for this one, "Not apologizing" for some deed we'd done in the past.  But I didn't finish it in time for yesterday.

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Monday, April 13, 2020

Day 13 of NaplPoWriMo 2020 -- a Poem, Secret Admirer

Apollo 13 Memories, Anniversary today. 
I was there, my work as an Aerospace Engineer, in the NASA Space Center Control Room and back room support. 
"Houston, We Have a Problem" 
 - - - 

Secret Admirer 

I have a secret admirer
I don't know who 
Always I've had one 
It might be you 

For the most times I've known those persons 
And where come from 
Admirer he or she, secret 
Some have come 

They've sent a note or even sometimes 
knocked on my door 
Let them in only to discover 
Memory is poor 

Now I'm polite and sometimes naive 
Hard to say no 
Temptation but I didn't succumb 
Those had to go 

I have a secret admirer
I don't know who 
I like you a lot but please don't come  
To wife ever true 
  _ _ _ 

 - Photo and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2020, All Rights Reserved (Flower I picked yesrerday from a bush on our daily COVID 19 walk) 
 - I am linked with Kerry O'Connor in the Imaginary Garden at 
 - I'm also linked with NaPoWriMo Day 13 at

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Day 12 of NaplPoWriMo 2020 - Easter Triolet 

Easter Sunday 

Easter Sunday is a joyous day 
World-wide Christians are making their stands 
Children's Easter baskets are displayed
Easter Sunday is a joyous day 
Churches full people singing  their praise 
Easter Bunny plays, kids in the sand 
Easter Sunday is a joyous day
World-wide Christians are making their stands 
 _ _ _ 

NoteI didn't mean for this to offend, in the U.S. Easter is also a National Holiday as well as being a religious day.

- Poem and Photos Copyright, Jimmiehov 2020, All Rights Reserved 
 - I am linked with Kerry O'Connor in the Imaginary Garden at 
 - and also with NaPoWriMo Day 12 at

        How to write a triolet 

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