Thursday, May 09, 2019

Gardner's Delight -- A Poem for the Month of May

Add Roses Red
Roses Red, you have finally come
Pruned somewhat late that's all our fault
Inconvenience we're sorry
Sorry but not disappointed

Your blossoms so bright fair and Red
Welcome bait for any lass' hair
Bring my love a dozen plus two
She'll reward your valiant display

Summer's near, May's departing fast
Rose food desert early for you
And water each day keep you moist
Garden would seem bare with you gone
You pretty girls so dear to us
Proper kiss but for prickly stems
 _ _ _
 - Photo and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2019, All Rights Reserved
 - I am answering the prompt of Sanaa Rizvi in the Imaginary Garden at
 [click on any picture for larger view
click again for better detail]
[this is our back yard, Roses Red are
against the right wall, sisters are at
left of this picture, cousins in middle]
 [the left corner of the garden, the Louisiana Iris in
the middle here bloomed early, since we did not
have a freeze the orange Hibiscus left in the middle
picture have been blooming since February.]

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Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Another Tuesday poem

From "The Chicken Dinner", 2016, 

Watch the Chickens
I'm standing here in the corner
looking across into the room
Why I'm standing here I don't know
There is no place I want to go

That dear was my plight this morning
Like a chicken just standing there
Three others in the room active
Chicken no place it wants to go

The others are doing their thing
Things to do with places to go
One to school another to work
The helper may end up like me

You could too when nothing to do
When you're through and no place to go
_ _ _

 - Photo and Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2016 and 2019, All Rights Reserved
 - I am linked with Sanaa Rizvi in the Imaginary Garden at

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Monday, May 06, 2019

Little Bo Peep Looking for Her Sheep

The Dystopian Tarot, The Lovers
Kerry O'Connor 

Little Bo Peep looking,
her sheep hadn't come home

Forehead branded with
an "X" as were her sheep

Peering over the hill
hoping to see her sheep

Scary scene appeared
Eons of years in one frame 

Adam, Eve, mythology, fables,
space travel, no sheep

Where, Adam didn't know
Ogress** bellowed "I've devoured" 

"You are next"
_ _ _ 

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2019, All Rights Reserved
 - I am linked to Kerry O'Connor  in the Imaginary Garden at
 - Kerry has left a piece of her Dystopian art on her blog for you to see.   It is also supposed to be inspiration for our writing.
 - Flash Writing traditionally has 55 Words as does this one not counting the title words. 
  - SQUINT your eyes and in the PICTURE
 you can see the innocent little girl shining through as being in the background 
**"An ogre (feminine: "ogress") is a legendary monster usually depicted as a large, hideous, man-like being that eats ordinary human beings, especially infants and children. Ogres frequently feature in mythology, folklore, and fiction throughout the world."  (Wikipedia,